General & Others The quality of Oda's artwork has decreased dramatically since the pre time skip

A lot of the fine details are handled by assistants. To discuss Oda's art is really discussing composition and design.

There are a number of pros and cons about the evolution of the art. And it happens to everyone... familiar with Araki? But drawing a line at the timeskip is arbitrary unless you're talking about an exclusive element, like Haki. His art didn't actually change at the Sabaody reunion though.
Oda has lost a bit of the simplistic style that he and Akira toriyama were known for. His paneling has gotten much more cluttered, but the art style is still very well drawn. Looking at the panel of the alliance entering onigashima is still pretty great.

I do wish he’d stop trying to clutter things like who’s who’s hybrid just looks terrible compared to Luccis