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How to look for the bounties

Step 1

Go to

Look for the character you want (es. Marco) and look at the code in the third column for Marco it is "0446"

Stepo 2

Go to

Do control f and search for "0446" (without the quotes)

You are going to find 4 entries in total, and 2 strings of code. One in the middle of the page, on at the bottom, pick the one at the bottom.

Check the end of the string where it says "start" the number there is the bounty

Example for Marco you get this

The first red number is the character's code (Marco in this case) the last one is the bounty. I have verified this by checking for characters for which we know the bounties already like Roger, Katakuri etc.

This are the bounties

Marco 1.374B
Izo 510M
Belo Betty 457M
Karasu 400M
Lindbergh 316M
Morley 293M
How to look for the bounties

Step 1

Go to

Look for the character you want (es. Marco) and look at the code in the third column for Marco it is "0446"

Stepo 2

Go to

Do control f and search for "0446" (without the quotes)

You are going to find 4 entries in total, and 2 strings of code. One in the middle of the page, on at the bottom, pick the one at the bottom.

Check the end of the string where it says "start" the number there is the bounty

Example for Marco you get this

The first red number is the character's code (Marco in this case) the last one is the bounty. I have verified this by checking for characters for which we know the bounties already like Roger, Katakuri etc.

This are the bounties

Marco 1.374B
Izo 510M
Belo Betty 457M
Karasu 400M
Lindbergh 316M
Morley 293M
Patryipe 101
How to look for the bounties

Step 1

Go to

Look for the character you want (es. Marco) and look at the code in the third column for Marco it is "0446"

Stepo 2

Go to

Do control f and search for "0446" (without the quotes)

You are going to find 4 entries in total, and 2 strings of code. One in the middle of the page, on at the bottom, pick the one at the bottom.

Check the end of the string where it says "start" the number there is the bounty

Example for Marco you get this

The first red number is the character's code (Marco in this case) the last one is the bounty. I have verified this by checking for characters for which we know the bounties already like Roger, Katakuri etc.

This are the bounties

Marco 1.374B
Izo 510M
Belo Betty 457M
Karasu 400M
Lindbergh 316M
Morley 293M
If Marco's bounty is true and King gets 1.33B then it's kinda alarming for Ben Beckman that Oda keeps the 1.4B range open
Beckman's bounty should be fine. Marco's bounty is put in range of King and Queen, while RHP commanders were specifically name dropped by Brannew in that Yonko Bounty Reveal chapter, indicating that the Navy sees them as something of higher quality than King and Queen, who also had their captain's bounty revealed, but no specific mentions.
So it is very likely that Beckman's bounty is significantly higher than Queen's.
If Marco's bounty ceiling is Luffy, Beckman's bounty ceiling is prob Blackbeard.
That's actually insane if he has 1.374.
Since both King and Marco lack CoC and advanced haki, the only thing to judge judge them is based on Bounties and Skills/stats
Marco > or >~ King.
King has no portrayal above Marco anymore if this is true.

@Patryipe you a GoAT for hacking lol
No one has higher bounty above tache except Dragon and other Yonko
For me no pirate is above luffy in bounty too
Benn 1.468 billions
*Marco 1. 380
(If they take to account that he was WB captain after WB died, it doesnt mean he is above katakuri with his weak haki and power)
King 1.330 (yes only 10 millions above Queen)

Roo 1.250
Mihawk 1.270
Weevil 1.180
Doffy 997 millions
*Marco 990 (if they dont use his WB captaincy to hype him that much)
Jozu 980 millions
Yassop 950 millions
Vista 940 million
Hancock 925 millions

Katakuri bounty is symbolic.
People fail to realise it... unless you believe Marco King Jack Roo Jozu Queen>kata/fs luffy.

Then I guess luffy is still below yonko underlings
The only underling and warlords above/equal to luffy are Mihawk Benn Weevil
Then there was no point having luffy fights katakuri
Why not make him fight Queen at Udon? Or Jack at Kuri?...
Luffy is done with commanders and warlords after Doffy and Kata battles ...
Also most of these dudes lack CoC,

I will call it bad writing if Benn doesnt have CoC
A person whose hype to have shanks presence should be a conqueror too.

We have 4 yonko with CoC
*We have two warlords with CoC, both leads a great army, Hancock is hyped for haki army and doffy is underworld king.
*We have two commanders with CoC , both were meant to lead their crews
Ace wih his powerful df and Katakuri the most skilled.

*So We should have two VCs wih CoC
Rayleigh ,... Benn
Quoting my 2019 post again.

if he has 1.374, then it falls within range of one of my main guesses throughout the years : 1.2 B / 1.380 B / 990 Millions.

Benn might have 1.4B+ if Oda doesn't want him to have a bounty above post wci Luffy .
If Marco's bounty is true and King gets 1.33B then it's kinda alarming for Ben Beckman that Oda keeps the 1.4B range open
Beckman is probably no bigger than 1.5B max, but if Marco is close to K/Q then so should Jozu and Vista, makes you wonder what the Navy meant by high average bounties when Beckman/Roo/Yasopp would have the same range of bounties as Marco/King/Queen