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Since this korean trash provider mostly doing headcanon bullshit (as been done often btw), Who‘s‘Who will give us a fight in the next chapter. And then he might be „beaten“

But on the other hand, we have the worst storytelling Mangaka here so everything is possible is with that trash
Will be very impressive if Who's Who really is defeated already but I think he'll come back next chapter with something of his own.
If Jinbe defeats WsW, then potentially defeating Jack after that [while a nerfed WsW fights Brook if he gets up] while Sanji beats Queen, who would be superior between Sanji and Jinbe?

Not saying WsW is down. He most likely isn't, but what if?
The man hasn’t even used Rokuogan yet… NO WAY is he going down before we see Rokuogan


Heavy Metal
Why not...maybe Kaido is in Wano because he knows (thanks to King) that the Sun God will appears in Wano:choppawhat:
i think Kaido is in wano because he knows Joyboy appears there. Maybe he even hoped Yamato will be Joyboy?

i think Kings goal is different. I guess he hopes to be kaido (or even Yamato as Joyboy) will be the strongest and mightiest creature existing, the most Victorious one. So at the end, he can sacrifice him to his god Nika (which is not really a person, more an imaginary god people believing in), to bring wealth and strength again to Skypia. His homeland.


Chapter 404: Franky vs Fukruo
Chapter 405 power
Chapter 406: Life return -> Fukuro got defeated
Chapter 408: Monster vs Kumadori -> Kumadori got defeated.
Chapter 411: Nami vs Kalifa
Chapter 412: You missed your chance -> Kalifa got defeated.
Chapter 414: Sanji vs Jabra
chapter 415 : heat up -> Jabra got defeated.
chapter 416: Zoro vs Kaku
Chapter 417: Asura -> Kaku got defeated.
418 : Luffy vs Rob Luci
Chapter 421: Gear 3
Chapter 422-426 -> fight continues:
Chapter 427 : This isn't the afterlife Rob Lucci got defeated.
i think Kaido is in wano because he knows Joyboy appears there. Maybe he even hoped Yamato will be Joyboy?

i think Kings goal is different. I guess he hopes to be kaido (or even Yamato as Joyboy) will be the strongest and mightiest creature existing, the most Victorious one. So at the end, he can sacrifice him to his god Nika (which is not really a person, more an imaginary god people believing in), to bring wealth and strength again to Skypia. His homeland.
Sun God
Wano aka Japan is reffered to as Nation of the Rising Sun and this was the flag during entire Edo period

Chapter 404: Franky vs Fukruo
Chapter 405 power
Chapter 406: Life return -> Fukuro got defeated
Chapter 408: Monster vs Kumadori -> Kumadori got defeated.
Chapter 411: Nami vs Kalifa
Chapter 412: You missed your chance -> Kalifa got defeated.
Chapter 414: Sanji vs Jabra
chapter 415 : heat up -> Jabra got defeated.
chapter 416: Zoro vs Kaku
Chapter 417: Asura -> Kaku got defeated.
418 : Luffy vs Rob Luci
Chapter 421: Gear 3
Chapter 422-426 -> fight continues:
Chapter 427 : This isn't the afterlife Rob Lucci got defeated.
I doubt the patterns still hold for Post TS fight. Most of the 1v1 fights that's not Luffy's fight have ended in the same "A vs B" chapter
Although I really doubt WsW, a man with a Zoan fruit, arguably has awakening, is taken out in a 1 chapter :beckmoji:


Pepebusi Spammer
More info from 5ch and thanks to Redon in ArlongPark Forums

- Chapter has 17 pages.
- One Piece will have a cover of the Jump and Color Spread in the next issue to celebrate its 24th anniversary.
- The name of the "Sun God" is Nika.
- Jinbe uses the attacks: "Hikishio Ipponzeoi", "Uchimizu", "Soshaku" and "Onigawara Seiken".
- Who's Who uses the attacks: "Geppou", "Gagan", "Kibasen", "Soru" and "Shigan Madara".
- It is not known if Who's Who is 100% defeated in the end, but it seems so.
More info from 5ch and thanks to Redon in ArlongPark Forums

- Chapter has 17 pages.
- One Piece will have a cover of the Jump and Color Spread in the next issue to celebrate its 24th anniversary.
- The name of the "Sun God" is Nika.
- Jinbe uses the attacks: "Hikishio Ipponzeoi", "Uchimizu", "Soshaku" and "Onigawara Seiken".
- Who's Who uses the attacks: "Geppou", "Gagan", "Kibasen", "Soru" and "Shigan Madara".
- It is not known if Who's Who is 100% defeated in the end, but it seems so.
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