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Literally read every other arc before this one. I feel like I talk to new fans here lmao
We are still ina ct 3, did you forget that? Plus there are too many plot points to be adressed yet, no arcs end before that happens. We didnt even get a Kaido flashback yet.

It will take at least over 50 chapters for it to end and thats being overly optmistic.


Heavy Metal
Agree, we love to see another 1-2chapters of fighting. Would mean also that Oda care for each flyer and giving them long good battles.
But we need to wait for the chapter, seeing how much both hit each other and overall the whole situation.
So far im really happy with the battle so far, it give me the old pre ts battle shema with great Choreography and background story, I feel disappointed for the other post ts battles, but this feel to fresh and good and I hope Oda keep continue that, he shouldn´t rush and keep focus on the battles.

Let say WsW is not down, then I can see this shema for each battles.
3-4chapters of fighting(old style like Alabasta/Enies Lobby)

5-6Chapters of fighting

Already had over 10chapters of fighting and he keep going to get more and more.
But just imagine everyone gets 4 chapters of fighting, calamaity then 6 chapters and kaido and big mum get 10 (together). Alone the fights, not counting Flashbacks which also have to appear for some people, i.e. Kaido, Yamato, Kid, maybe King...) and this alone would mean 4x3 (Black Maria, Sasaki, Whos Who) + 18 + 10 = 40 chapter of pure fighting. Dont know if the readers want them. I like the fights, but my main purpose is the story and the world, the mysteries. Just watching people clash for 40 chapters? I dont know...
We are still ina ct 3, did you forget that? Plus there are too many plot points to be adressed yet, no arcs end before that happens. We didnt even get a Kaido flashback yet.

It will take at least over 50 chapters for it to end and thats being overly optmistic.
1. There’s no guarantee we’ll get a 5 act structure

2. act 4 aren’t usually that long to begin with because Is just the climax of the story. Luffy vs Kaido alone could be the act 4 of Wano.

3. Big Mom’s flashback was only 2-3 chapters. Even with Yamato involved to expect 10 chapters for a flashback is a stretch

50 chapters is ridiculous. Enies Lobby itself wasn’t that long
Just because Oda didn't call Onigashima a new arc doesn't mean it ain't. Its literally a war. 1st half was just set up for the war.
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It is just like it is likely it is not over. That is the whole point of something not known
None of the flying 6 have gone down easy. So thats why its not likely.
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