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I do fundamentally think at this point, if he recovers, his literal only choice is Brook (strong IF, but I find it fascinating he broke the floor to Brooks floor)

It's either he stays support for a fight that's clearly Robin focused, or he gets his own "weakened" fight. Idk it's a lose lose now.

I do think Jinbe has to be placed somewhere else though, he seems fine. If we are doing the whole new monster trio thing, it would be worth giving him to Jack.
I don't like Brook getting sloppy seconds after Jinbei humiliated Who's Who at this level tho.

I wish Brook would fight Apoo so we would get the battle of the musicians. Since that won't happen against the Blackbeard Crew, this might be the last chance.

Also Brook's body might be a counter to Apoo's devil fruit.
yes you could say that and we saw how strong Yamato is , she didn't care to get serious with F6 and is now fighting her father. It is obvious , F6 is no match for serious Yamato or Jinbe.
and who knows how strong Oda will make Franky be.
Base Yamato fight a Hybrid Kaido. She overpowered
Can't wait to see Chad Franky Greatness
i hope he have a new Power Up
Two things:

Usopps main purpose was to take the beatings that should've gone to Nami & his purpose is to just compliment others abilities? The fodder shit doesn't matter & this kind of plot was better executed in Dressrosa. Whatever.

& Who's Who was capping hard.
If he's scared of Jinbe then Jack, Queen and King surely put him in his place many times over.

Bonus: seems like we are getting just the ending of these fights. At least we got half a chapter/almost a full chapter, but damn that's underwhelming. I'm all for wrapping things up now.


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
There is no way u think whos who is a threat to queen he literally justed got embarrassed this chapter hes not even stronger than jack and bro didn't even show haki lmfaoo
he was defeat for yc1+ queen would've the same if he would've the bad lucky to fight against the knight of the sea
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