One Piece Chapter 965 Spoilers Discussion

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:steef::steef: Imagine if this was true.
I can already see it through the horizon.

I think Xebec was better than Roger. And he was actually morally even better. The whole reason the WG calls him a demon, or evil or trying to erase him from history is the SAME REASON, they wiped out Ohara people, and they called Nico Robin, an 8 year old kid as "demons child"

Roger in my opinion 38 years ago knew NOTHING about the void century. While, Xebec was invistigating in that stuff. Roger only realized the existance of Poneglyphs after he finished his FIRST JOURNEY, which I can safely assume after Xebec was fallen. And then, he scouted Oden out to actually recruit him and with the second journey, they read the poneglyphs, and knew the entire history.

However, when Xebec was alive, he was ahead of Roger in all of those things. And I personally think that Garp wouldn't hate to talk about the incident if the reason for it simply is Roger didn't get enough credit for it or he cooperated with a pirate. Rather, he would have been like Smoker in Alabasta telling the world that Roger had a hand in taking them down as much as he did. Just like Smoker, he wouldn't want to get someone else's credit or be owed to them

So, it makes no sense if that was the reason for Garp hating to talk about it.

The real reason was actually them siding with the Celestial Dragons (who had slaves in that event).

I think that Garp simply followed his duty as a marine to protect the Celestial Dragons that night.
While Roger was actually not concern whatsoever about those things, he was just too occupied and too hotheaded that he wanted to beat Xebec, doesn't matter who was right, he just wanted to get a W against him since he was his biggest rival according to Sengoku.

however, I think during the fall of xebec, something triggered Roger to follow his path which leads us to Roger going BEYOND and knowing the entire history, BUT because of his illness, he didn't have power to do anything about it. Leaving it to Luffy who will surpass those two Xebec and Roger, and go beyond and DO something about it


Imagine Roger and Ray being in Luffy and Zoro's position in mock town... Everyone there is dying.

Roger for sure doesn't spare his enemies. Luffy and Zoro spare the enemies they defeat. Buggy even said that WB is the only one to have fought WB and lived meaning that Roger goes for the kill.
That's why Xebec died after Roger garp ganged up on him
Roger has no problem killing someone when he wins.

Only Shiki WB were left standing alive coz they grew respect for each other. Also Roger never beat them 1 vs 1.

I share the same view as @Sadistic Senpai
Xebec wasnt really evil! People wanna label him evil but praise Roger who did curimial acts too

Roger had so much ego


I can already see it through the horizon.

I think Xebec was better than Roger. And he was actually morally even better. The whole reason the WG calls him a demon, or evil or trying to erase him from history is the SAME REASON, they wiped out Ohara people, and they called Nico Robin, an 8 year old kid as "demons child"

Roger in my opinion 38 years ago knew NOTHING about the void century. While, Xebec was invistigating in that stuff. Roger only realized the existance of Poneglyphs after he finished his FIRST JOURNEY, which I can safely assume after Xebec was fallen. And then, he scouted Oden out to actually recruit him and with the second journey, they read the poneglyphs, and knew the entire history.

However, when Xebec was alive, he was ahead of Roger in all of those things. And I personally think that Garp wouldn't hate to talk about the incident if the reason for it simply is Roger didn't get enough credit for it or he cooperated with a pirate. Rather, he would have been like Smoker in Alabasta telling the world that Roger had a hand in taking them down as much as he did. Just like Smoker, he wouldn't want to get someone else's credit or be owed to them

So, it makes no sense if that was the reason for Garp hating to talk about it.

The real reason was actually them siding with the Celestial Dragons (who had slaves in that event).

I think that Garp simply followed his duty as a marine to protect the Celestial Dragons that night.
While Roger was actually not concern whatsoever about those things, he was just too occupied and too hotheaded that he wanted to beat Xebec, doesn't matter who was right, he just wanted to get a W against him since he was his biggest rival according to Sengoku.

however, I think during the fall of xebec, something triggered Roger to follow his path which leads us to Roger going BEYOND and knowing the entire history, BUT because of his illness, he didn't have power to do anything about it. Leaving it to Luffy who will surpass those two Xebec and Roger, and go beyond and DO something about it
Roger possibly changed views after meeting his woman and learning more about the world history
I remember back on OJ Sanji fans like Kuro Ashi were pushing the concept of Scopper being number 3 because of the “metal trio”. Before it became obvious that he was irrelevant, Sanji fans were pushing the Scopper/Sanji thing.
Well I have been advocating Z + S = R since 2017. Scopper is too irrelevant to be Sanji. Metal trio has always been dumb. His name wouldve been Bronze or sum shit. Not Copper lmao.
Shanks talk to Gorosei : he is a snitch
Roger fight to save the life of CDs : well ... who care?
respects a snitch
Post automatically merged:

Roger taught Shanks how to befriend CDs lol
I have a feeling roger's reason for doing it wasnt to protect cd's . he seems like the type to pick a fight against other strong people. moreso that was prob garp's.
That's why Xebec died after Roger garp ganged up on him
Roger has no problem killing someone when he wins.

Only Shiki WB were left standing alive coz they grew respect for each other. Also Roger never beat them 1 vs 1.

I share the same view as @Sadistic Senpai
Xebec wasnt really evil! People wanna label him evil but praise Roger who did curimial acts too

Roger had so much ego
People label Xebec the same way they labeled Robin or Ohara people.

Among the pirates in One Piece, the person I hold at the pinnacle of people with morality, it's WB. If WB chose to follow this man. then, just like Jinbe with Fisher tiger, it's a testament that this captain has good level of morale.
I've said it before, Xebec was actually the good guy during that war, Not Roger and Garp. And it's why Garp had a bad taste in his mouth and doesn't want to talk about it.

I trust Whitebeard morale a whole lot more than Roger (who killed the entire crew of Squard, and WB called it a sin, but Ace shouldn't be blamed for it)

I think Roger was simply driven by his rivalry to Xebec who was a good guy but ahead of Roger (even in taboo subject like void century).

While Garp had the duty as a marine to stop them. Garp doesn't like talking about it not because Roger is not mentioned in that incident and credit goes to garp, rather because they saw Xebec to be someone who has a point. yet they stopped him.

Mark my words, Xebec was the good guy (not the bad guy) in that story.
There's no good guys and bad guys in one piece
@TheAncientCenturion remind these peeps about Doffy's speech smh

Xebec was probably an anti-hero at best. I thinn he wanted to kill Celestial Dragons but caused too much damage
He was probably a bit like Kid
People label Xebec the same way they labeled Robin or Ohara people.

Among the pirates in One Piece, the person I hold at the pinnacle of people with morality, it's WB. If WB chose to follow this man. then, just like Jinbe with Fisher tiger, it's a testament that this captain has good level of morale.
This is extremely flawed reasoning... first of all the rocks crew was described as "people who fought and killed each other while being on the same ship"

Whitebeard and Kaido both imply that being on this crew was hell.

Are you saying the paragon of virtue would make a crew where it's fine to kill your own cree mates?

And secondly Momma and Kaido also followed Rocks and they are as evil as it gets so Whitebeard following Rocks has no bearing on how good or bad Rocks was given these evil fucks also followed him


People label Xebec the same way they labeled Robin or Ohara people.

Among the pirates in One Piece, the person I hold at the pinnacle of people with morality, it's WB. If WB chose to follow this man. then, just like Jinbe with Fisher tiger, it's a testament that this captain has good level of morale.
Roger became a heinous criminal once he got into Wolrd history stuff and went to raftel
They started covering his real name

WG will let you roam and do whatever but once you are a real threat by gaining knowledge then you are a very heinous to be erased
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