#Chopper theme, not exactly the same, strength too, roughly:
- Early monster point - early G3 luffy with bad side effect
- FI monster point - G3 luffy with minimal side effect
- Wano Monster Point - G4 time limit : 10 minutes
- Stable Monster Point - Wano G4
- Awakening Chopper - awakening Gomu
Those 3 without clearly have haki upgrade on Wano, they will have the experience againts Yonkou / Top Tier. Lets list:
- Usopp: Kizaru, (Issho ???, i dont remember), Big Mom+Kaido on Wano
- Nami, Chopper: Kizaru, twice Big Mom, Kaido
Then if the 3 survive EoW, there is a question -> who will scare them again?? -> None, except WG comes in massive force.
So there is 1 thing the 3 need, that is the understanding of Haki.
So EoW, the will of the 3 are increasing, their Haki. Then we might have Sanji, Zoro, Jimbei comedy on training Robin, Franky, & Brook of their haki achievement while the weak 3 are on their pen & note. Once again, it can be off panel or even asspull. So there is no big worry on this.
While Franky, Robin, & brook engage with F6 tier they will considered as strong as 300m new world veteran/experience characters on their own. BUT, each of them got trick that is 1) Franky with Armor Shogun, 2) Robin with brook Support & 3) Brook only support Robin. Or whatever plot twist they can get.
- Franky Armor : Shogun -> becomes -> CoA
- Robin support becomes CoO
- brook : I cant comment this asspull character. I mean if I Say he'll get CoA, he doesnt have skin, flesh & muscle so there is nothing to get hardened. & if i say he'll get CoO, he doesnt have ears & brain. So leave brook alone
Come back to the weak 3,
- Let Chopper feel the Caesar help on Rumble ball
- let nami has clima tact upgraded by zeus
- Let usopp no upgrade as he had CoO on Dressroba
- ## the 3 have experience on engage in the same floor with Top tier even they are being weak
#after Wano
- Let Chopper find the keygen to crack the caesar previlege to have the Premium account of Monster Point
- Let Nami try CoO on weathe prediction, this will feel like FS CoO but not actually
- Let Usopp strengthen his CoO range (not in radial/circular but in cone from 2D view), guess about 1/4 of shanks range is pretty good achievement