But don't worry we will see baby Momo and Hiyori crying again, beasts running in fear, Shanks got sent flying by aftershock, and other crewmembers commenting how their battle can destroy the island.
but ray and oden are both swordsmen
and kaido didnt beat oden
people need to get this clear. kaido was scarred by oden but oden sacrificed himself to save his loved ones in ch 818." Kaido beat oden "
is something you wouldnt find in the story. The fact people think rayleigh and look towards the zoro/swordboy's fandom is quite telling as well. I thought ray was not zoro's parallel.
this false narrative
This comment here summarizes why we love topi
always a good dose of reality.
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but ray and oden are both swordsmen
and kaido didnt beat oden
people need to get this clear. kaido was scarred by oden but oden sacrificed himself to save his loved ones in ch 818." Kaido beat oden "
is something you wouldnt find in the story. The fact people think rayleigh and look towards the zoro/swordboy's fandom is quite telling as well. I thought ray was not zoro's parallel.
this false narrative
But don't worry we will see baby Momo and Hiyori crying again, beasts running in fear, Shanks got sent flying by aftershock, and other crewmembers commenting how their battle can destroy the island.
Yep...this...we need battle pages for atleast 5 pages of these legendary fighters....more importantly I want to see Roger powers and his fighting style and Rayleigh vs Oden
Didn’t the little note at the end of the chapter say something along the lines of “They finally clash!!”?? Leads me to believe that we will actually get to see Roger and Whitebeard fight for at least the first part of the chapter...
Yep...this...we need battle pages for atleast 5 pages of these legendary fighters....more importantly I want to see Roger powers and his fighting style and Rayleigh vs Oden
Lmao at Ndule Hyping Oden no sense
Imagine what He would say if Zoro Will replicate his feat against Kaido but instead like Oden he won't get boiled alive.
Anyway, Oda has forgot how to draw fights, he at best can draw people clashing their fist/ sword add some Haki effects + some face reactions and the fight is done, GG.
Not gonna lie, I'd be very disappointed if we don't get to see a few exchanges between Roger and WB as it'd be a good chance (prolly the only chance we get actually) to see Roger's fighting style. I reckon most of it would be off-paneled like Kaidou v BM but hope Oda gives us at least that much. Would also like to see how Oden fares against Rayleigh as it'd give us a bit of a hint on how the Oden v Kaidou fight went. If Oden's able to fight Ray to a standstill (not clash with him), then it must have been a task and a half for Kaidou to put Oden down. I'm not really a believer of the theory that Orochi backstabbing Oden was the reason Kaidou was able to beat Oden but if Oden was indeed as strong as Rayleigh or even close to his level, you've got to wonder ^^". Would also love to see Scopper's fighting style. His he still an axe user or did Oda completely retcon it:unsure:. He didn't seem to have an axe on him this chapter but tbf, his right side was covered, so maybe he has an axe on him on his right.
Lmao at Ndule Hyping Oden no sense
Imagine what He would say if Zoro Will replicate his feat against Kaido but instead like Oden he won't get boiled alive.
Anyway, Oda has forgot how to draw fights, he at best can draw people clashing their fist/ sword add some Haki effects + some face reactions and the fight is done, GG.
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