You are Nefertari Rhea!
[Passive - Censored For The Glory Sake of Captain Kid] - *Censored for the glory sake of captain Kid* is one of Rhea's favorite beverages. If she is the first to correctly answer the trivia question each day, she will receive a cup of
*censored* allowing her actions to always find their target that cycle.
[Passive - Profile Posts] - Rhea actively make profile posts, being one of the top posters in that department. During the day, she must make at least 5 profile posts in the form of an Instagram status to be posted by the host.
[Passive - Turn Off The Light] - After being hoodwinked by Light D Lamperouge in the Code Geass game, Rhea has sworn revenge against him...
[Active - You're a Wizard, Harry Rhea] - Rhea is a huge Harry Potter fan, knowing the series in and out. At night, she may use one of the following below.
--- [Expelliarmus] - Rhea may target a player to deflect any negative action on them back to the user.
--- [Stupify] - Rhea may target a player to role-block them that night.
[Active - Carrying the Will of Copypasta] - After learning the ways of copypasta from Jew D. Boy, Rhea has been practicing the art for many moons. If Jew dies...
Money - 1,000 Yul.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town.