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Arbiter of Truth
So why give it? Why not say you don't have any? Maybe just give those on players you actually have reads on? Rhetorical questions btw.

Well imma make like a banana and split, see yall next DP. :pepelit:
I actually did that before, but like I've mentioned multiple times it was flower that requested the full player list, and I thought that was pretty clear in the post lmao.

So yeah, I could've just gone for the "I don't have any", but I was like "fuck it, Imma wing it"


There's no "Tina!"
*insert Anything you can do I can do better song here*.

On a side note, you seem hella trusting. You‘re not very engaged with players yet and aren‘t grilling people yet. That‘s weird.
Super Mario is only using 5% of his power. He will have to go to 10% to start grilling players!

Also Father already knows everything and he tells me number 26 on the player list is scum.

If you're the Father role, you're 200% scum
I am mighty disappointed in ya!

Father is going to solo this game and he is 2000% town!


There's no "Tina!"
So why give it? Why not say you don't have any? Maybe just give those on players you actually have reads on? Rhetorical questions btw.

Well imma make like a banana and split, see yall next DP. :pepelit:
Oh hell no!

Are you as rare as a blue moon? You ain't going anywhere, Udell. Last day phase you tunneled Mango and Krogo and this day phase you tunnel them again?

You read Reborn as town, don't you? Could you explain that read?
DN's still aren't a thing here except that one time in the actual DN game. I don't know why people expect this all the time, especially when the host didn't even advise against claiming this time.
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