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Ghost Princess
@krogothwolf [AL Sama] has been lynched. His role was:

You are AL sama!
[Passive - Follow the Rules] - StrictAL is widely known to be the strictest mod on the whole team. He's always on the lookout for any user who breaks the forum rules. There are 3 rules in the game that if the players fail to follow, he may use his abilities on.
--- [Off-topic] - Posting off-topic related content is a big no-no. Any player caught doing this is subject to enforcement. Take that shit to the General Chat.
--- [Insults] - You must be a fool to believe that insulting another user will fly by around here as long as Al is around. Any player who insults another is subject to enforcement. The insults don't have to be anything severe.
--- [Spam] - Anybody who gets caught inflating their post count is subject to enforcement.

[Passive - Built from the Ground Up] - Al built the mafia section from the ground up. He is the Godfather of this section. As such, Al is immune to role-crushes and redirects.

[Passive - Too Many Points] - Players who have accumulated a grand total of 4 warning points will be booted out of their Magic Knight Squad for the remainder of the game.
--- [Ban] - After 5 warning points, Al has gained the right to ban you. He may ban a player with 5 warning points to kill them. The write-up will show as: "X-player has been banned by [Strict AL]!"

[Active - Lock Thread] - After multiple players have spammed, Al is now fed up and can't take it anymore. If 6 or more players have broken the 3 rules up above, then Al may lock the game thread. The day phase will end immediately in a no lynch and the next night phase will be skipped. Town doesn't deserve their lynch for breaking the rules and neither does mafia deserve their night-kill. An intermission phase will be in effect for the missing night phase. The 6 players who broke the rules will be given 3 warning points. [1-shot]

[Active - This Ain't the General Chat] - Players caught posting off-topic will be punished harshly by Al. During the day phase, he may target that player to ban them from the game thread. That player will have to make their posts in the [General Mafia Chat] for the remainder of the day. They will be given 1 warning point.

[Active - uh, no] - Personal insults? We don't do that here. During the night, Al may target a player who has insulted another player. Their action will be destroyed and they will receive 2 warning points.

[Active - Anybody Who Spams After This Post Will Be Banned] - Spam is Al's archnemesis. Their battles are legendary. Once per cycle, he may target a player who has spammed and banish their ass to the shadow realm. That player will role-crushed for 1 cycle and receive 1 warning point.

Money - 8,000 Yul.
Wincon - At least 4 players have been banned.​

Gathering of Captains!

A captain meeting has been called! Captains of each squad --

@Ekkologix The Wizard King
@Fujishiro from Golden Dawn!
@TheAncientCenturion from Crimson Lion Kings!
@Reborn from Blue Rose!
@Ena from Silver Eagles!
@Missy from Black Bulls!
@Lindltaylor from Fruit Magic Knight Squad of the Holy Fruitty Empire!

may discuss in the thread during the night phase and decide on a night lynch.

Captains have 20 hours to discuss.

It is now Night 2.
You have 20 hours to submit your actions.
(A 4 hours Dawn phase will follow)




I will never forgive Oda
A captain meeting has been called! Captains of each squad --

@Ekkologix The Wizard King
@Fujishiro from Golden Dawn!
@TheAncientCenturion from Crimson Lion Kings!
@Reborn from Blue Rose!
@Ena from Silver Eagles!
@Missy from Black Bulls!
@Lindltaylor from Fruit Magic Knight Squad of the Holy Fruitty Empire!
Someone doesn't belong here


Certified Memelord
anyway real talk ningens

i havnt read the thread much so i always ask of u to get a 2nd wagon just in case

it doesnt look like we got something planned sadly

i wanna discuss what will we do about zara, and are we gna yeet one of the captians or no?

u guys can relay info from here to ur discord groups and vice versa.

i did not expect lind to be included as well but he can talk to zara via fruit squad thingy, which looks cult asfk for some reason.


Certified Memelord
so its confirmed zara is bisromi? thought was just speculation

anyway i dont like the fact that we have 2 millers and one of them is... indie??

indie miller or vig miller is often time an SK fake claiming, but idk would zara just pull that sht out like that? dont recall he was pressured to claim miller.
so its confirmed zara is bisromi? thought was just speculation

anyway i dont like the fact that we have 2 millers and one of them is... indie??

indie miller or vig miller is often time an SK fake claiming, but idk would zara just pull that sht out like that? dont recall he was pressured to claim miller.
It’s pretty certain at this point.

He just came out and said it but then started trolling as bisoromi sock puppet and people recognized him.

Indie Miller is weird I never saw an indie claim that.

He can also kill apparently and he claimed night defense.
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