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There's no "Tina!"
The merits of this process are 2 things mainly:
1) Each captain can ask for reasons and evaluate their own members in this process.
2) We get a general idea of where the suspicions really lie and isolate far easier.

Since there are either 5 members in each group or lesser, we captains can focus only on the members in our own group and see if members are sheeping other suspicions or check if their reasons are valid enough.

Oh and I want to ask you captains to do something for me. Please ask your members the setup of the game. I want each player's individual opinion on this.


There's no "Tina!"
Alright, let's start this.

Vote Lynch Midnight Delight

He came out as some kind of cult and recruited Flower. If Midnight flips anything harmful we can go for Flower next.


What could have been...
i think fuji's town tbh, but hes fooled me alot b4 so idk. he tries extra hard to play for town as scum/indie for some reason . for now imma just put him as town and see if hes power wolfing or actually town. hes very active so wouldnt wanna yeet him this early regardless.


reborn looks scum af, im not a fan of this inactivity excuse into "i can claim abilities" n stuff. its usually scum indicative for ppl to flex their claims as a way to get out. we are interested in seeing results and scum hunting, not someone flexing their role.

its alright to be inactive. im inactive af myself this game, half the player base is. but i dont get defensive about it nor just say i can claim to clear myself

and btw claiming flavor/abilities in this game doesnt amount to anything so its pretty bad that he's trying to resort to that as a way to clear himself imo. just overall doesnt look good on him.


idk what to make of queen. very strong indie hunting so far. i wouldnt wanna yeet her b4 reborn, but i definitely don't town read her as much as fuji. im pretty guilty of not reading the thread fully tbh so im sure i missed lots of content by her that might help me judge her alignment better so i'll hold on to that until i find time to iso everything


TAC's tone screams towny to me. his post content may not always be too towny but i think hes just town. idk which role is restricted to mentioning players by their new nicknames but it caused the entire player list to be changed. honestly its up to alot of debate and WIFOM but i can definitely see drago pulling such post restriction on scum role

iirc jinri from weeb game (miyamoto musashi) had a whole post restriction about being nice and thanful to hosts n stuff yet was a scum role. The same thing could be seen out of TAC here if hes a scum role with that gimmick of calling others by their new nicks n stuff.

honestly i would like to keep him rn just for activity alone atleast, but lets be real here... this entire day 1 and day 2 were practically wasted on an indie and the surge of activity isnt REALLY that important since not many wagons were properly tested and scum was just allowed to hide/coast freely.


totally null on missy. i only remember like 2 posts from her and wouldnt mind a vig on her at all. thats pretty much all i have on her lol
i guess the fact that shes a captain is pretty sus by default given her low presence could mean her scummates just voted for her, but why would they make it that obvious. not worth thinking over it too much rn tbh.


the fruit squad is just a meme lol. im almost sure lind is just an indie claiming miller of some sort maybe. would be surprised if that was town, i mean why would the fruit squad mango be a miller then?

pretty weird and doesnt add up, but oh well


What could have been...
i guess thats my current thoughts on the captains, but take it with a grain of salt from someone whose not read half the game

i wish we actually discussed 2nd wagons during the day so we can have everyone's input better incorporated into this yeet but i guess its fine since u guys can talk to ur squads on disc


There's no "Tina!"
when did this happen?

why r we lynching an indie aginn :seriously:
This day phase. He said something like only the informed few get to join him.

If he’s cult, he’s worth getting rid off. Plus his lynch leads us to another player.

I’m not sure if he’s indie though. Honestly this is midnight and he might have just not explained his ability well or didn’t really care about it.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
@Reborn what do you think of Van from your group?

Town or scum?
Van is new player. Playing his first game. He hasn't anything. He is getting benefit of doubts from me.

In my group, I have lil sus on melon.

Tbh, I feel this has become captain vs captain thing.

Usopp is fixing on captains. We all are fixated on each other. But what if....scums laid low and became members instead of coming out in open to become captains.

No one is thinking on this line. No one is picking upon on those who readily joined to become members.

It's like we all are monkeys fighting each other , sussing each other, competing each other and some sneaky cat is taking advantage of our fights.

We became captains by openly coming out. We received grimoire. We have captains meeting. We can manage our members and out them. Yet, D1 begins with tac hiding indies and making it as group vs group.

Why don't we act like captains for once and out the scums hiding in each other group?


What could have been...
Usopp is fixing on captains. We all are fixated on each other. But what if....scums laid low and became members instead of coming out in open to become captains.

No one is thinking on this line. No one is picking upon on those who readily joined to become members.

It's like we all are monkeys fighting each other , sussing each other, competing each other and some sneaky cat is taking advantage of our fights.
i mean this is cool and all but i need names
who are those sneaky cats and scum laying low?
cuz rn ur the sneakiest cat i see
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