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we are 3 in the team. Ena wanted us to claim, he killed beta so I trust him, no scum would kill beta.
we all claimed, we knew what abilities we had and decided to kill one of the people we all suspected. we agreed on Lind but Ena said Lind probably has an immunity, so we decided to disable his passives through Cal's ability then I shoot him.
So Ena trust all of you enough to claim her shit then she proceeded to track you? Then she somehow got redirected? This plan not making much sense. You being so trusting of Ena when you sub in and didn't read raise a huge red flag. If I am 100% town. I ain't gonna head to discord and let my captain fish for my abilities. Even if you trust Rippcal, trusting Ena is a stretch for someone who didn't read the DP and only got a summary. TYPO you gotta die man. Throw Mango in there as well.


Blood Manipulation
Why does the young lassie think that Lanji is bad? This may be our first agreement. Open the celebratory rum!

Well I'm not so sure myself, it's mostly a feeling. I feel like he's either not latching onto people enough and mostly doing commentary. I would iso him and definitely get a better idea but it would take a while and... I don't wanna spend all my time here. :doffycry:
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