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bro i know but i don't think it was that hard too read. are you really not going to read it? you had quite a few votes on you last time i checked so you should probably respond to some of the cases against you.
I spilled every bean in the beans farm, I probably answered everything you have to say already. but for the hell of it, link it to me now please.
check out ISO on typo and see how much their attitude changes when they start to be sussed. Last 2 phases they are acting woe is me because can't catch up and jokingly asking to be killed etc and acting like theyre not interested because too much to read...

Today is totally different once the bullseye is on their chest. Aggressive defense and desperation. Seems like A was fake and B is real.

Feels bad man



Blood Manipulation
im about fourty pages behind
TKOTS probably scum, didn't wanna vote me when voting me can clear him.

I wasn't sure if anything good would come out of me voting Mel, eventually I just decided to do it. I should have talked to her instead of ignoring her.
So you admit you ignored me?
How would you know something bad may happen if you vote me?
Honestly that kind of thought process would have never crossed my mind, and I've been playing mafia for a year now.


Blood Manipulation
Though gotta admit Typo's attitude completely did a 180 when he was suspected. What's up with that @Typo ? What got you so invested in the game this dayphase compared to the one you subbed into?
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