This was bad sorry....i am not talking about the animation, it was great, but the filler stuff...
1. Luffy's haki i guess??? Can make him shoot laser out of his eyes and explode??? WTF was that?
2. Luffy's elephant gun have the same power as a Kong Gun or what???
3. Speed and Tama tanked a point blank blast breath to the face and didn't died?!?!?! And the suroundings are all fine after that too - ill-conceived.
4. Kaidou have Lightning around himself and so does Luffy????
5. Kaidou's blast breath in the City - i was kinda excited for that, well…all we saw was smoke...
6. Luffy clashing with Kaidou and even overpowering him...nothing to say here...
7. OP became a light Show in Wano, what is up with all the effects? You can say they are nice to look at, but toei is really over doing it here. Every move and every attack Looks like a kame-hame-ha beam. OP became Dragonball now...
Nice to look at, but they give the anime watcher a comepletely wrong picture.
The anime is back at it again, the bad and some nonsense fillers. I completely understand why they have to stretch it and that is not the Problem, the Problem is what they put in there. Just look at them making Kaidou blast breath Speed and Tama in the face and they have only a few bruishes...this is ridiculous.