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@RippedCal has been mod-killed. His role was:

You are Tobi!

[Passive - Who Cares] - He surely doesn't. Tobi ain't interested in seeing people throw words, acting smart and all-knowing. He just there for the ride, He may not support or take part in the argument of two people arguing in the thread.

[Passive - The Game of Fate] - Even if Tobi put in a disadvantage situation, he does not concede. He gives in to the risk. It gives him a thrill. Because of this, he tends to take high-risk bets, even if he has nothing to rely on but luck. Each night, the host will roll a D16. Each throw contains options he must choose.
--- [1-3] - He can target a player and control their vote for that cycle.
--- [4-6] - He can target a player to role block and vote silence for a cycle.
--- [7-9] - He can target and player and learn their alignment.
--- [10-11] - He can target a player and refill any of their limited use abilities.
--- [12-13] - He can ask the host to rethrow the dice or he can target a player to disable their passive abilities for a phase.
--- [14-15] - He can target someone to redirect their action to the player of his choice.
--- [16] - He can choose any ability from above and use it this cycle.

[Active - The Coin Flip of Fate] - Tobi legends to bring destruction to the entire mafia just with a coin flip never ceases to make people amazed. Once per cycle he may choose head or tails. If he wins he can target a player of choice to learn their character name.

[Active - Liar's Game] - You may challenge a player of your choice in a game of R/P/S. He may choose how much currency he wants to bid, it will be decided in percents, e.g. if he bids 20% of his entire sum then he will gain 20% from his target total money upon winning the challenge. The three rounds will decide the game outcome. [2-Cycle Cooldown]

Money - 4,000 Yul.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town.​
Before anybody asks, Typo didn't get mod-killed because his role was already made public through his death. Him copypasting it could have easily just been him using the death write-up and not copying it from his actual role pm. Had he quoted it instead, then sure, he'd be mod-killed as that would have been undeniable proof that he took it from his role pm. Otherwise, he stays in the game. If you disagree with this, that's fine, but please don't go exposing your own role in an effort to mod-kill yourself. That's childish and ridiculous. Thank you.​

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