So another break huh? Weird choice of timing : (
nah they're shonen jump double issues so it cant be helped, it's the same every year
this weeks chapter is 966, we get it Friday but official release is Monday, it's issue 4/5 of this years shonen jump so thast why there's a break which means no chapter next week
the week after next week is issue 6/7, officially released on 4/01/20 but we will get it between 28th of December and the 2nd of January depending on spoiler providers
after that there's a break again the week after which always follows a double issue, so we'll get 968 on the 17/01/20
in which case the week after that could be an oda break
so it'll look something like this
966 - this week
break next week - shonen jump break
967 - issue 6/7
break - shonen jump break
break - oda break