
@Seth Scopper Background(a nickname given by myself) is only a background character from Roger's flashbacks overrated by the fandom. I am sure Silver Axe can defeat him effortlessly.
Maybe because of their videos. It would get a lot of attention and that’s probably not good for the provider. He can be tracked down easily I guess because it’s too early and only a few can have the leaks
Yeah it's better staying safe as a provider. Not worth risking jail for some addicted fans.
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Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
Garp's rep would take a major hit if it's later revealed that he fought in a battle against Kaido and co considering the latter doesn't have him in his top 5 combatants.
I have never in my mind doubted the fact that Xebec was Roger's rival. I am honestly confused by the whole battle. Lets assume Garp Ray and Scopper took on WB, Kaido and Big Mom. That leaves out Capt. John, Silver Axe and Shiki who is probably as strong as Goku and Garp.
Garp ~ Xebec
Roger ~ NewGate
Rayleigh ~ LinLin
Bogard ~ Shiki
VA Borsalino ~ Kaido
He got lucky against zoro cause tama was sick or he would have died then
Zoro literally commented on his incredible strength. He still fears the nails. Too bad Zoro had to run away from Hawkins.
He got negged by Law
Drake literally helped him and Hawkins was caught off guard. Law constantly ran away from him.
And killer will slap him up
The tarot cards tell otherwise. Hawkins is winning.