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do u really, deep down in ur heart think there is ONLY one scum left in the game, and that scum is me? really hayumi?

there were like 2 anti town kills before and after i rejoined. i cant stress this enough and i feel like ur tunneling is not even natural. its super faked

ur clearly trying to survive here dont pretend u arent. u lied about part of ur ability and we dont even know if ur bullet proof or not
bitch wut LMFAO. BOI even if there's two scum, that leaves you and Lara LOL so bye bye. What about anything i've said isn't logical this whole dp? Also, how can I lie about something I never even mentioned. It's not "part of a ability", but an individual ability LOL


No dude... that's a bike...!!
i want to explore all possibilities but my vote remains on u unless TAC and lanji can make me think otherwise

rn im voting drago just to see if he counts on vote count but consider my vote on u

we both received this QT thingy and thats another person to worry about


No dude... that's a bike...!!
bitch wut LMFAO. BOI even if there's two scum, that leaves you and Lara LOL so bye bye. What about anything i've said isn't logical this whole dp? Also, how can I lie about something I never even mentioned. It's not "part of a ability", but an individual ability LOL
so lara wins next day if hes scum tho. u ok with that?


No dude... that's a bike...!!
@Lara surely u dont think drago makes a scum role flips and comes back to the game but shows everyone that its abilities r the abilities of anime villains right?

ur just spitting on drago design as a host rn


Blood Manipulation
(I didn't read all the quotes)
  1. Most obviously: he's not revived but returned i.e. no guarantees he's back as town. If anything maybe he wants revenge for getting killed.
  2. His suspects are Hayumi, Lara and I yet he can't push and stick on a single wagon.
  3. Thanks the person who revived him even though he knows he was not revived but returned and says he doesn't know why
  4. Twists my actions saying I tried to town clear Knight when in reality I was trying to get him to trust me as I suspected him for a long time.
  5. Then goes back to trusting me (because of TAC) and wanting to vig Midnight.
  6. Susopp wondering about why Midnight didn't declare him public enemy even though Lanji admitted to roleblocking Mid
  7. @Ekkologix if you rolecrushed Knight then he shouldn't have been able to make people scan innocent, yet iirc Zem2 scanned inno while being scum empire.
  8. Then focuses on Hayumi which seems to be based on reads
  9. Then switches back to me
  10. This reminds me a lot of Zem's play, where they're not sure where to put their attention
  11. I trust TAC
This is end game, you gotta be more confident than that. You are dividing your attention on multiple players without coming up with strong arguments.
And you said you had some info to share @Ekkologix ?

Anyway this is half ass, it's getting late.

sup ningens

someone is telling me to yeet drago. which of u is that?
@Scum Flowa im vote silenced in even cycles so didnt bother voting last night

my role is on the thread smh lol
no doesnt say but seems like a troll

maybe zara or midnight
i can talk to him/her on qt today

i belive flower said same thing last day
do they mean u or the host tho
lanji did u do something to nat last night? shes dead now and i noticed u guys talking about unstoppable stuff last night and buff to her role or w.e
so one of lanji/nat killed tpein

i didnt know lanji had a kill but he confessed to it right away

someone else killed nat/flower
i think zara is scum tbh but cant prove it
i have some info to share later. ill compile long ass post when i get time for it

lara/melon will likely have to be our lynch for today

also @Missy do not vote today if u r town. i have something i wanna try
no i only got the qt link today not last night
did somebody roleblock midnight? i disabled some abilities from him and rly dont think hes the killer we r looking for despite being reborn role. if someone roleblocked him last night then unless hes immune to roleblcoks we can be safe to assume he is not the killer
who is melon's character?
im also kinda not buying zara being a miller specially how we have like 3 other players that flipped millers of some sort being lind, gram and 1 more i forgot
we get guilty on zara. its very convienient. i really dont belive he is town

TAC role is perfect indie/scum killer role

more so than rej zem and drago

but reborn's role can also be dangerous. the thing is we roleblocked him and stuff yet kills happened

so yea id yeet zara today personally
u have been saying that everyday. i think its time we get something else

im sure TAC is not only a self protector from superkills bot like u make him sound to be
one of u have to work out

if not krog then u

also krog flipped a killer role so we were right about that. just not about his alignment
at this stage its all about killer hunting because we likely just have 2 killers in the lose but they arent working together

my bet on zara being one of them
i feel like we have a deep wolf among us and its why im not a fan of redirecting all attention to midnight/hayumi

i think lanji/missy r good but zara/melon im iffy about

someone is trying to make us lynch lanji as well (doubt they mean the host)
u had 2 sockpoppet accounts to relay w.e nonsense u want without being exposed

u scan guilty

right now u really are the worst looking player and will never be read as townie for the rest of the game
as for melon, her interactions around zem/dest was pretty sus

and i looked back at her posts and noticed interactions with knight where she attemps to actually confirm him as town or something from my understanding of it

have u ever talked about what u do to ur voters melon?
i dont have a reason to vote u unless im sure

i will certainly like to keep u and melon as top 2 wagons tho
because i will never 100% trust a miller claim that is practically useless in terms of night actions and info and is immune to superkills
3x vote power
scans guilty
immune to superkills

ur role is very scary to leave unchecked
how r u sure hayumi is town tho?
so i didnt vote last cycle and midnight could of declared me as public enemy but he didnt

i actually trust him tbh. he probably didnt submit actions and was roleblockdd anyway

i trust lanji aswell for his interactions around the players that flipped scum. and someone does seem to wanna get rid of him

i tone read missy as town and her killing dest gives her town point. she never had to claim having that kill and use it on mafia really. seems townie af thought process.

that leaves zara/hayumi/melon

i'd like to think i can read hayumi decently well like i did last game where i could tell from day 1 hes not being genuine. I feel like in this game hayumi is really just an inactive town but I wouldn't rly bet my money on it. i just think hes better than lara/melon

that being said i want us to discuss who is worst from zara/melon today and if anyone wants to vouche for them tell me why and how
zara has 3 vote power. hes actually gna terrorize this lynch

i have no vote power next cycle so even if scum kept me alive im literally gna be useless next day in terms of lynch

i wanna make it count today
what happens to ppl midnight invite to his club?

also ironic midnight hates informers and gets the informer leader role kek
no he claimed he scans guilty

my kiwi gang ability was destroyed anyway and i need to use it 3 times on someone to get their alignment

its basically useless
so midnight is possible cult but has to ask others to join first?
if TAC is that confident in mel then we have to yeet zara

and we have to do it soon before that vote power becomes problematic

1. i crushed his ability
2. lanji roleblcoked him
3. i didnt vote last cycle yet he didnt make me public enemy
4. 3 kills happened even tho he was blocked and stufd
yea he said so last day
he could of made me one but didnt
zara cannot be night killed and has 3 vote power + w.e the fk other abilities he has, AND he scans guilty

> we have 6 players alive rn other than zara
> if we lynch someone else today thats 5 players left other than him
> if we lost 1~2 players tonight thats 3~4 players left alive other than him
> i will have no vote power tommorow and who knows what other vote shenanigans zara has.. so....

this will basically be 2~3 players left alive other than zara and zara will practically control the lynch if he has 3 vote power

in short if we dont rid of him today we likely just lose the game tomorow

[vote lynch zara]
last night but i think drago applies it today. its the 2 cycle cooldown ability i have
i really dont know
too scummy to be scum probably

do u think hes immune to roleblocks? why didn't he make me public enemy then? he said that vote silences the target or something
@Midnight Delight just say u r town and get it over with man smh
its not an rc is destroys his ability but i think drago applies it this cycle not the night i sent it

so i sent it last night but it destroys his stuff this cycle

i can ask to be sure but i dont think it makes a difference rly
he can only make those who dont vote public enemies and it vote drains them according to him

i was the only one that didnt vote last day yet he didnt make me public enemy

i have 1 vote power on odd cycles, zero on even cycles. read my kiwiporn ability
yea its still something
thats what im saying. midnight didnt destroy my vote despite knowing i will have a vote power today

and 3 kills happened when he was roleblocked

honestly @Midnight Delight i can't defend u more if u dont cooperate. just say u r town and tell us what happens to ur club members please man
like im afraid of a world where we yeet midnight today and he flips town or indie then someone other than me dies tonight and basically zara controlls lynch tomorow for gg

i highly doubt mid is mafia tbh
only he can answer that. i dont know
btw didn't nat say she was gna shoot mid or something?

do u guys think mid made nat shoot herself or reflected her kill to her while killing flower

thats an insane tinfoil to say the least
even under the assumption that mid is indie and zara is mafia

the one with 3 vote power is 100% more threat lol

im super paranoid off that cuz comes next cycle and im voteless so its super bad
let me rephrase

the one with 3 vote power, scans guilty, AND cannot be night killed is 1000% more dangerous lol
it could be another ability other than kill or simply u both killed tpein at same time

zara said he has a kill as well. where did he shoot that? probably flower or nat
well to be fair
if midnight is bad
then if we lynch him atleast we reduce the night kills to one

BUT zara will still win cuz im voteless and he will be left with 3 townies. basically he reaches parity
that role does not look like a town role at all lmao

if nat/flower were suspicious of him then im more certain he killed them to avoid them this day

3 kills last night is a heavy loss

we need to yeet zara and vig midnight. its the best courses of actions if we trust TAC about melon/missy
midnight if u got yeeted today and lost us the game imma kekmald pretty hard
btw i remember zara said that he scans innocent if he doesnt take any action

does that work during the day? if we day copped or lie detected him?

basicslly have him say he is town as well
no i think they didnt cuz u said u r miller lol. it would be a waste

but i asked u to do no action and have someone to check u as inno or not. u didnt cooperate
like zara u were suspected so hard in the thread so maf had no reason to shoot u anyway

u protecting urself from superkills is just u avoiding town vigs

but we told u to not do that so town cops can check u. its ur fault for not cooperating
is kata/bisromi the same person from the qt?

its pretty possible
then u propose we just yeet midnight?

lara has been alive since day 1 pulling this nonesense lol

claiming 3 vote power is a big red flag for me. i cant allow that next cycle on someone i scum read

@Midnight Delight just fken do ittt
no i said that by avoiding vigs u also avoid cops

most cops are night abilities except the ones dest gifted to fuji iirc
@Melontonin have u ever done ur ability thingy on zara?

di we rly have no info on zara whatsoever

man was suspected since day 1. im so confused how
someone killed the lanji role and brought me back is my guess

i will rolecrush my killer for 2 cycles soni rolecrushed lanji role for 2 cycles then got back after he died

or someone revived me. the ability doesnt say.

do think i come back everytime my killer is dead via pettiness never ends. and i died to lanji role
yea if none revived me then i think thats what got me back
i think so. regardless of my killer alignment i will rolecrush them and come back after they r dead

i will basicslly remain alive forever unless lynched if this is true, but the abilitiy doesnt confirm
are u talking to TAC rn?
i think its zara tbh

can someone vote silence him atleast

midnight has a vote drain if zara didnt vote today. we can maybe use that, but that means we trust midnight and wont vig him
nah im the same role, just lost my king perks
because u have 3 vote power, scan guilty, cant be killed

and have a clown avi :((
we r pointing fingers on each others with no way to prove anything

zara is the only non confirmd player left

why is TAC vouching him?
hayumi isnt confirmed as well
@Melontonin did u get something from midnight saying hes town?
then who u think is bad
i still think zara is playing outta his god dem mind and having a blast shitting on us all but i just cant prove it man

what would it take for me to convince u guys to yeet him lol
the thing is me hayumi and midnight are vigable, zara isnt

u can always feel free to vig any of us lol
that was pure coincidence

i think my return is related to lanji role cuz typo was dead in the same night i died iirc so he cant be the killer
i still have the same role tho. nothing implies anything changed

as for typo's revival im assuming mafia used fuji's abilities to revive typo then killed fuji

or the last mafia alive has these abilities. regardless i was dead at that time so these shenanigans have nothing to do with me

also the kill count didnt change ever since i rejoined the game so im also practically cleared as non killer

no matter what u guys say u cant rly implicate me as a bad role cuz im not lol
it doesnt say much. its secrets so my first thought was someone revived me

i actually completely forgot about that part of the abilitiy tbh. was surprised when i saw im bk alive
zara doesnt have to be allied with mafia but i belive he is scum of some sort. his abilities just scream scum

if we lost after today i take no blame in it
i kinda wanna talk to TAC myself and see what made him change views on zara exactly

rn i only town read lanji, midnight and missy, the others r all potential indies or mafia in my eyes specially zara and melon

i just dont know how to convince u guys because i rly have no results or anything in my hand to do so
u can vote if u want. zara has 3 vote power. we might need it later

i was thinking of will midnight make u public enemy or not but its alright now

do u have any u wanna share with us? we r in a big mess rn trying to find who to yeet
basically my thought process

I really wanna know what makes TAC vouch for zara. cuz as far as im concerned absolutely nothing clears him
if TAC can convince me that zara is good i will go melon or hayumi

gl changing my mind at this point tho TACy

uve done good. leave the rest for us
nothing ur just less vocal now compared to last couple phases

im paranoid asfk and taking all possibilities
i guess TAC is a god then lol

im not gna be able to beat ur 3 vote power. if u think hayumi is scum go for him

im not scum tho and i have no reason to defend hayumi whatsoever if i was scum lol
not rly u suddenly started being less vocal so it raises my eyebrows a bit but ur still not my top candidate to go for

btw hunting scum doesnt clear any of u guys as indies. u and zara were there when i was dead and there were still the same kill count after i got revived

u may not be mafia but doesnt mean u r good tbh. ur better than zara tho
because its probably my ability that brought me back not someone else reviving me
u rly overestimate the amount of stuff i read this game lol
yea for the most part

who do u think u will be going for today? zara or hayumi?
i was most likely killed by lanji role and rolecrushed him then came bk after his death

i cant find better explaination for my revive if none claimed it, but we rly cant tell since revivers are dead

eirherway my alignment and role remains the same (except the king stuff)

its really obvious im not a killer role of any sort since i had no impact whatsoever on the kill count before and after my death

the only thing im guilty for is not being active but its not in my control its eid time and stuff so im busy af

@LANJI CUCKSMOKE let TAC give me full summary why he think we lynch hayumi over zara and if we lose he takes full blame for it lol
hayumi's vote swap is god awful
@TheAncientCenturion yea u. u hear me ningen?

are u ready to devote ur heart for humanity??? to shinzou ur last sasageyo?? to put the same clown avi lara has????

then show me

convince me

change my mind

enlighten me on why my precious gamechanging vote should go to hayumi and not zara
you know even if hayumi was bad
it doesnt mean zara is good right?

i hope we agree on this point atleast lanji and TAC

i dont recall zara talking about having 3 vote power so he can basically lynch who ever the fk he wants next day

its not a game of i think this or i think that. this is the end game now

hayumi hiding his subscriber stuff is obviously bad too. we very likely have two bad players left and its looking very likely both zara and hayumi
sinnce hayumi is very likely bad as well, i will only vote hayumi under this condition

@Lara unvotes and have @Midnight Delight vote silence him

that way we can lynch hayumi and not have to worry about 3 vote power lara tomorrow specially when i have no vote power that day.

deal or no deal
fuk forgot

well idk then

waiting on TAC to convince me
u just look like ur trying to survive regardless of who gets lynched mate
yea im still town, its just my return says returned instead of revived so its bringing some suspicion
hayumi the problem im worried about rn is if we dont fken do something about zara today there might not even be a night phase and he just wins

like in the 1% chance that zara is bad. we just lost the game right here.

im surprised why none is considering that. why is everyone hard locking Zara as town when nothing implies it
i wish i just remained dead lol

hate being in this situation :josad:
i actually cant do sht to save u even if i wanted lol

i dont have a result on zara and i quiet frankly dont think ur that cleared either hayumi. i just think zara is more dangerous thats the only reason why i am not voting u now.

i dont even have the vote power to make the difference. if zara and melon combine their votes on anyone today they can get them lynched with no competition unless entire town votes against them lol

but town will not even have that luxury tomorow. its basically zara controls entire lynch

i think as scum its pretty dumb to make an enemy of zara now. only brave townies should be willing to stand against that monster of a vote power

ofc zara is probably just scum at this point so yea
meh doesnt rly convince me much
why r u lynching levi if hayumi is levi lol

im telling u TAC if i know the full details of my role i will say it. it just says that kiwi's pettiness remains even in the afterlife. if her killer is killed .. [secrets]

i really completely forgot about the game until i was told i am alive again in my role PM
the absolute state of town :josad:
zara cant be shot lol. and soon he wont be lynchable either

you know who should be shot next night tho? me cuz i literally have 0 vote power and and will provide absolutely nothing next day so might as well see my flip to not waste a lynch on me
it has always been. u r panicing for no reason kek

but its not enough because he has 3x power
lanji will have to make the toughest decision of his life lmao

vote with zara or against zara

poor guy. no pressure on u mang we will just blame it on TAC

w8 zara do u even have 3 vote power tomorrow? thats kinda broken to be permanent

were there any close wagons this game that zara could have changed? did he always have this vote power?
ok i literally cant be scum. nothing anywhere says my alignment changed and the kill count remained the same after i was revived

im confirmed mechanically and theoretically ... more than any of u in fact.
@Melontonin u should decide between hayumi and zara as well. assume im not in the menu

we need everyone to decide on this. we take the L together

where r there percentages even coming from lol
u know if zara never said he has 3 vote power i wuda just voted hayumi and called it a day

its funny and weird why wud he say that. almost too scummy to be scum
why r u talking about being lynched. ningen u control half the votes lmao

are u feeling heat or ur vote power is fake

well there is someone else thats bad and wanted us to turn on u or the host

again doesnt mean zara is good lol
brace urself then

i am bad at convincing others when it matters the most and i will likely just get myself lynched in the process

but i want humanity to know that i tried already
wow what a great idea
if we could do that we wuda been home by now playing the next mafia game in line
this is a fair point, tho still does not 100% confirm him

anyway lanji look at me. if i was scum of any sort, do u think it benefits me to defend hayumi this hard? like im getting myself soo much suspected over this for no reason other that trying to push someone i think is scum

again lanji even if zara killed all scum in the world. it still does not clear him as being a bad bad indie, more dangerous than hayumi

u see what i'm sayin? we literally cant prove hes not an indie
hey TAC i wanted both nat and dest dead cuz i had no idea which of them is scum breh. lots of others wanted her dead as well

anyway thats done. we r in another day now and we have potential indie zara vs potential scum hayumi
@TheAncientCenturion here are our options

1. we could lynch hayumi today but that could possible lose us the game next day to zara if his vote power is true and he wins by reaching parity


2. we could lynch zara today and we will still have 1 more day to lynch hayumi or vig him at night.


3. we could lynch me today and insta lose the game because 2 night kills

the choice is urs guys. i rest my case tbh and i cant be bothered to argue more lol @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @TheAncientCenturion @Melontonin @Missy @Midnight Delight
also testing if this shows in vote count or not

[vote lynch dragomir]
no the priority is the one that can control the lynch obviously

> guilty
> immune to superkills
> 3x vote power

i dont have kiwi gang and the bears abilities anymore. said that in day 4 when i came bk. im rly hella nerfed version of myself

> demon destroyer sword to heal flower. its the same item i used on lind b4 dying. had 2 shots of it.
> ghost princess to delay negative actions on me by 1 cycle

> ace to destroy an ability from mid
lara has been open wolfing for awhile so he can say he has the wildest sht and he wont get lynched for it lol

u wuda got hanged instantly got claiming 3 vote power rn instead of earlier, specially if ur immune to kills
dw hayumi i have no vote power next cycle so literally wont even bother voting. if i made it alive that is

i think zara needs to explain his role better tho tbh. like full claim @Lara
zara have only been saying he is protecting himself every fken night lol.

what kinda selfish role is that. surely u must have other actions

x to doubt

i cant belive none copped him. im lost for words. i truely am
hayumi im literally town bro. stop it

there r the possibility of melon missy mid still being scum or indie atleast, but its just super low chance

and lanji has to be town. this medium ability is protown af

why not say that from the beginning
why is TAC 74% confidence if he copped zara

did he get inno? so he copped him during the day?

its weird for TAC role to scan guilty if he is doing actions. fuk man i rly cant see zara being town at all lmao

im like in denial stage.

look man u guys gna vote hayumi but my pride as sussopp tells me not to
im refering to zara
did tac cop zara?
hayumi has no pride

man clearly wants to survive

u disappoint me
what a man of culture
btw @Lara dont think i didnt see what ur doing there u sneaky bastard

u know the first voter on my wagon gets ultra killed and i was trying to bait u hard to join that sht but ur being slick in avoiding it smh

@Melontonin ur currently my first voter and will be ultra killed in the event i am lynched. can u please unvote and let hayumi be the first voter. ty
thats worst than the tinfoils i make

actually.. stay on my wagon
kinda want zara to be first voter but he wont do it

lynching me doesnt change much cuz i have no vote power tomoro anyway so let me take zara with me atleast
you guys r gna lynch someone that flipped town already and came back with no proof that he changed whatsoever and think its ok :nicagesmile:

literally none of the flipped scum roles say that they can do that lol.

So ya at the very least let me take zara/hayumi with me

hayumi is sooo obv scum rn with how much hes flip flopping to survive lol
i really need lanji here one more time and wanna have a direct talk with TAC about yeeting hayumi over zara

i know for fact my lynch is hard gamethrow so im not gns even bother discussing it
its also the same ability that rolecrushed my killer btw who i belive is the lanji role

my killer cannot be typo cuz typo was dead during the night i got killed

melons tinfoil is just god awful cuz no scum role flipped with what shes saying

i obviously rolecrushed scum, most likely lanji role and its probably why melon bused lanji role (knight) this hard. cuz it was rolecrushed for 2 cycles

looks like i pissed u guys off pretty badly didnt i

when lanji role got lynched i returned. dont ask me how i dont know.

it has nothing to do with typo cuz no scum role mentions that anywhere. its just a coincidence typo left at that time. surely it wouldnt be this obvious if i was scum dont u think so?
anyway im done talking to u guys. i know 2/3 of u is probably scum and wont change ur mind so im only gna discuss sht with lanji, TAC and missy
im confirmed more than any of them btw

they r only cofirmed via results which could or could not be wrong, specially with how much manipulations n sht in this game

im confirmed via the entire game seeing my flip

so ya do the math
anyway @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @TheAncientCenturion can u guys tell me how is melon confirmed? lanji was already rolecrushed for 2 cycles by me when scum bussed him that day

i dont recall melon doing much other than that but minor busing on juliet and dest who were already outed.

ik u said u have a result on her but scum had an ability to make em scan innocent. like i wanna take ur vouche for it but i personally think there is a big chance melon is part of the informed minority, cuz she spesks like it.

the way shes town reading both hayumi and zara to get their favor is not ok.

if she scum reads me then altleast u have to have another scum reads cuz there r 2 in the game rn i think given nat and flower kills. so its weird to only have 1 scum read and even worst cuz that scum read is wrong
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