Atp I just want the game to end. If I'm right about this I need a lot of virtual love. If not, I'll also need love. but I blame TAC if Zara fooled all of us.
I really believe Ussop is the last scum guys
u know the day ppl lynch me for this tinfoil over inactifag scum hayumi that probably just came back to janitor kill flower and zara who has the scummiest role ever is the day u realize town on WG has no hope whatsoever
Atp I just want the game to end. If I'm right about this I need a lot of virtual love. If not, I'll also need love. but I blame TAC if Zara fooled all of us.
I really believe Ussop is the last scum guys
do u really, deep down in ur heart think there is ONLY one scum left in the game, and that scum is me? really hayumi?
there were like 2 anti town kills before and after i rejoined. i cant stress this enough and i feel like ur tunneling is not even natural. its super faked
ur clearly trying to survive here dont pretend u arent. u lied about part of ur ability and we dont even know if ur bullet proof or not
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