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I came in the game already suspected :few: It didn't help that I didn't have any great abilities to even act like I was town xD

I think subs are already at 50% guild when they come in the game, regardless if the person before them was suspected or not. Because if something comes up town's really don't bother to sub out if they can't be active usually, unlike scum who can't afford that inactivity. I'm guilty of this too, looking very closely at people who sub in. That 50% goes to 75% if the player before was already suspected xD

Also it didn't help I wasn't caught up with the game and got distracted so I never fully caught up with the game, which is why I had no claim to give at all, which was my fudged up.
No biggie sis, i get it. Honestly i felt real bad for Reborn so i just kinda let you be for a while when you subbed in.

It can be hard to sub in, especially for a scums slot.
Honestly was a bit too focused looking outwards because i wanted to trust most of my team, i did think that it was weird that Dest would only do isos when I ask him to and never on his own like he did last game.

Felt off, but he was agreeing with me on Light, Reborn and Mango so i put it to the back of my mind.
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