Imagine wanking something only for it to turn out wrong then calling it "cheap joke" to save face. We all knew it was about bounty, yet you people were ones wanking it for no particular reason. C'mon, at least own up to your L's lol
And Zoro "one-shotted" Apoo the same way Kaido "one-shotted" Luffy. They were both knocked out for over a chapter and could be finished up.
You can say it was a strike while he wasn't ready, but Zoro cleaved through his CoA coated defenses so it wouldn't even matter. But I don't see how this is a factor? Apoo is fodder to even Sanji, let alone Zoro. Why do you even need to bring that up lmao.
Being honest, Zoro and Sanji always occupied a pretty similar role in the crew so there is no much to discuss, the chapter confirms it again so it adds more salt to the whole thing, if you want to ask who is stronger than i think everyone agrees Zoro>Sanji makes lot of sense.
Zoro didn't one shotted Apoo, he wasn't even white eyed, he stood fighting Drake, and still. That's an overhype.
Bringing Apoo is just an example of how things may go when you overhype things. Overhyping Sanji being a "number 2" stated by Black Maria is clearly because of his bounty, just like Queen did, what i can't understand is why so much salt for the fact that Sanji's bounty is 10mi ahead when people can't barely even argue against that.
Cheap jokes are dumb videos and memes putting Sanji as #2 and Zoro as #3, probably some people are slowly realizing that the gap between Zoro and Sanji was never THAT big deal after the "Rooftop Level" thing + it isn't just in strength, and again this adds EVEN more salt
For some reason Zoro fans think that it was never the case, i mean, you can't blame things for being like they always have been.
The reality knocks the door
Then Yamato does something and things gets even worse