Zoro's position in the Strawhat crew

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So Yamato has top tier speed, Boro breath AP, Top Tier Haki, Top Tier durability, yet somehow is Weaker than Sanji?

Oda needs to give Sanji a massive Powerup this arc if he wants us to believe that
I’m skeptical about this top tier durability and top tier haki.. when it comes to haki Yamato may have CoC coating, but that’s it.

Formerly Seth

@BOCCHI I agree with @hedera__helix 100%

Zoro has every right to maybe not disobey his Captain's will but change his mind and go to the roof to help again.

Luffy gives MC speech leave it to me and Zoro literally witnesses the same Captain he just left on the roof to handle things, fucking falling down to the water.

This is where Zoro has to step up as RHM. Not to blindly disobey Luffy's will but to help him because he can't do it alone.
Zoro Will be stronger than Yamato, no One can be above Zoro in the crew, only Luffy.
He already is and always has been it won't change just because you low ball him and belittle his feats, just look at the Onigashima skull Zoro has left his mark everywhere Yamato has yet to draw speck of blood from Kaido so far, surely for someone supposedly stronger than Zoro she should at least match the feat he accomplished in near death state if that is too much to ask maybe even replicating something like this wouldn't be too bad for Yamato she is a mythical zoan df user after all :brootea:
yamato's DF is being praised by kaido himself, probably the only reason he's giving her as much credit as she gets, also she hasn't damage him at all, she's actually at the verge of collapsing by the looks of it, while kaido is fresh.

of course they'll be bleeding more than him, he can regenerate, yet he's looking more exhausted than the ice oni victims
On the verge of collapsing? Yamato looks fine, and Kaido praised her in general not just the fruit. And yes, Marco probably doesnt look that injured because of his powers(though we can see him bruised up anyway) but my point is that he was able to injure the calamities quite a bit wich is quite visible, and that was in a 2v1
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