[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 10 - Antagonists Vs Protagonists

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Zoro Worshipper
Oh right. It’s not bussing. :lawsigh:

But what you are saying makes sense. But I doubt Beta would out his scummate like that again. If one flips town then we kill the other. So his scummate is dead for sure. It could go either way, but this makes me think that both Dest and Larimo are town.

I don’t think we should listen to Beta anyway.
I'm compromising with Town.

I live at least until tomorrow and I can expose the other faction with a claim.


Zoro Worshipper
I'm still baffled how anon did not even lose a life apparently after unleashing onto him.

I think you guys of the Town should deal with Flower and anon as priorities. But beware of Destro and Marimo. At least one of the latter two is scum.

Maybe my calculations were slightly wrong.
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