So we got like maybe as early as next chapter to have this discussion so I feel like it is worth having now.
Most of you know my opinions about this, so I'm going to stay out of it for the most part. But I'm making this thread to at least present everything in one thread since its a good time for everyone to discuss in one place.
So lets begin.
Chapter 1011/Page One: Had a relatively awkward fight with Nami/Usopp up until this point, but defeated in one punch by Big Mom
- Interesting distinction to make is that while Page One had his body shown in 1012, and people did acknowledge he was hurt, you can see him twitching/struggling in the ground here. Could be he's just convulsing, or maybe not. Make of it what you will.
Another interesting distinction to make about Page One is that he is the only F6 member without named moves. Was he always meant to be fodderized? Or is he meant for more?
Chapter 1013-1016/Ulti: Ulti is an interesting case. She is the only F6 member (thus far) to have been defeated multiple times (discounting her and P1's run in with Luffy and Yamato). Not only was she also hit by Big Mom in 1013, you can also see that she was knocked out plainly on the floor:
- Fodder acknowledges she is hurt. She is very clearly knocked out here at least for the time being, until 1016, where she gets back up and loses to Nami:
NOW, very important here is the fact that Bao Huang herself announced both Page 1 and Ulti are defeated on the next page:
Within the same page, we see the reactions from Sasaki, Whos Who and Black Maria. Conversely however, we don't see closeups of Ulti and Page 1's faces showing that they are done. Nami never gets a "victory" moment after defeating Ulti. Usopp didn't either for Page 1, in fact, Usopp really hasn't gotten anything lol.
Its interesting because it took Oda 6 chapters (1011-1016) to do this. And yet 2 chapters later....
Chapter 1018/Who's Who: And here is where, in my opinion, things seem to get a little weird. If you followed what I was saying above, then this should make sense. Here is the last page we've seen so far of Jinbe/WsW. They haven't been shown again since:
- 1019 transitions immediately to Sanji and Zoro. No aftermath shown. No exposition of WsW's unconscious/defeated body. No closeup of his face. And yes, the above DOES look like a finishing move, that much is understood. Interesting observation is that Jinbe still looks like he's in battle mode here. There are also still plenty of questions left unanswered about WsW, his identity, and the relationship between the Sun Pirates, Jinbe and Nika. The eye symbol on his body relative to the Marys and Bao Huang
Then peculiarly enough, the same thing happens to Franky vs Sasaki.
Chapter 1019/Sasaki: This time however, it happens all within the same chapter. You can see the transition immediately following the attack:
- Its a bit different. A closeup of Sasaki's face, but no acknowledgement of victory. No instance of Sasaki laying defeated. The scene transitions immediately to Yamato after. Franky is relatively unhurt and usually has a full arsenal of weapons on his own person, not just the General. Again, make of it what you will.
Chapter 1021/Black Maria: Now here's something interesting. The conclusion to Robin's fight actually plays out differently from Franky and Jinbe's. She gets the standard double spread finisher:
But Oda didn't transition from the fight immediately, she gets full closure:
With this you can very, very clearly see Black Maria has been defeated. Her subordinates react to her defeat, Robin reacts to winning ("I overdid it a bit"), and she can barely stand after. Compare this to Franky and Jinbe ^^
So to summarize the alleged defeats:
1011: Page One
1016: Ulti
1018: WsW
1019: Sasaki
1021: Black Maria
One argument that can be made since Bao Huang only announced Page One's defeat 5 chapters after he was punched, WsW and Sasaki's defeats just weren't announced and will be in 1022 or 1023. I can understand that. The peculiar thing however is that Page One did get panel shots of him laying defeated (or twitching lol), while WsW and Sasaki did not. Can we use this as a basis to say they are done? Can we make the opposing argument?
So with that I conclude. Are they all down? Will some of them recover like Ulti/Page One/Jack has several times already? Do some of them have awakening? Is there a distinction going on for WsW and Sasaki? Are Page One and Ulti's defeats unorthodox too? Leave some thoughts.
edit: some tags...
Most of you know my opinions about this, so I'm going to stay out of it for the most part. But I'm making this thread to at least present everything in one thread since its a good time for everyone to discuss in one place.
So lets begin.
Chapter 1011/Page One: Had a relatively awkward fight with Nami/Usopp up until this point, but defeated in one punch by Big Mom

- Interesting distinction to make is that while Page One had his body shown in 1012, and people did acknowledge he was hurt, you can see him twitching/struggling in the ground here. Could be he's just convulsing, or maybe not. Make of it what you will.

Another interesting distinction to make about Page One is that he is the only F6 member without named moves. Was he always meant to be fodderized? Or is he meant for more?
Chapter 1013-1016/Ulti: Ulti is an interesting case. She is the only F6 member (thus far) to have been defeated multiple times (discounting her and P1's run in with Luffy and Yamato). Not only was she also hit by Big Mom in 1013, you can also see that she was knocked out plainly on the floor:

- Fodder acknowledges she is hurt. She is very clearly knocked out here at least for the time being, until 1016, where she gets back up and loses to Nami:

NOW, very important here is the fact that Bao Huang herself announced both Page 1 and Ulti are defeated on the next page:

Within the same page, we see the reactions from Sasaki, Whos Who and Black Maria. Conversely however, we don't see closeups of Ulti and Page 1's faces showing that they are done. Nami never gets a "victory" moment after defeating Ulti. Usopp didn't either for Page 1, in fact, Usopp really hasn't gotten anything lol.
Its interesting because it took Oda 6 chapters (1011-1016) to do this. And yet 2 chapters later....
Chapter 1018/Who's Who: And here is where, in my opinion, things seem to get a little weird. If you followed what I was saying above, then this should make sense. Here is the last page we've seen so far of Jinbe/WsW. They haven't been shown again since:

- 1019 transitions immediately to Sanji and Zoro. No aftermath shown. No exposition of WsW's unconscious/defeated body. No closeup of his face. And yes, the above DOES look like a finishing move, that much is understood. Interesting observation is that Jinbe still looks like he's in battle mode here. There are also still plenty of questions left unanswered about WsW, his identity, and the relationship between the Sun Pirates, Jinbe and Nika. The eye symbol on his body relative to the Marys and Bao Huang
Then peculiarly enough, the same thing happens to Franky vs Sasaki.
Chapter 1019/Sasaki: This time however, it happens all within the same chapter. You can see the transition immediately following the attack:

- Its a bit different. A closeup of Sasaki's face, but no acknowledgement of victory. No instance of Sasaki laying defeated. The scene transitions immediately to Yamato after. Franky is relatively unhurt and usually has a full arsenal of weapons on his own person, not just the General. Again, make of it what you will.
Chapter 1021/Black Maria: Now here's something interesting. The conclusion to Robin's fight actually plays out differently from Franky and Jinbe's. She gets the standard double spread finisher:

But Oda didn't transition from the fight immediately, she gets full closure:

With this you can very, very clearly see Black Maria has been defeated. Her subordinates react to her defeat, Robin reacts to winning ("I overdid it a bit"), and she can barely stand after. Compare this to Franky and Jinbe ^^
So to summarize the alleged defeats:
1011: Page One
1016: Ulti
1018: WsW
1019: Sasaki
1021: Black Maria
One argument that can be made since Bao Huang only announced Page One's defeat 5 chapters after he was punched, WsW and Sasaki's defeats just weren't announced and will be in 1022 or 1023. I can understand that. The peculiar thing however is that Page One did get panel shots of him laying defeated (or twitching lol), while WsW and Sasaki did not. Can we use this as a basis to say they are done? Can we make the opposing argument?
So with that I conclude. Are they all down? Will some of them recover like Ulti/Page One/Jack has several times already? Do some of them have awakening? Is there a distinction going on for WsW and Sasaki? Are Page One and Ulti's defeats unorthodox too? Leave some thoughts.
edit: some tags...
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