I don't know, I was wondering if you did. Anyway, this is a summary of everything that has happened:
- First, Zara came out and told us that he ability investigated Tobi and got Kira's (The antagonist) ability. But Rej later on came out and told us that he watched Tobi and did not see Zara visit him but only Dr_Professor visited Tobi.
- Tobi confirmed that he is the r/p/s kid who challenges players to r/p/s every night. His action apparently failed last night.
His other actions were
N1 - Challenged Zara
N2 - Challenged Light (action failed though)
- T-pein came and told us that he is a redirector and that :
N1 - He redirected Mango to Zara
N2 - He redirected Dyna to Zara, but his ability was stolen. Dyna confirmed that he used an ability to steal any ability that was used on him on N2.
- Dyna's ability is to vest up and to steal abilities of anyone who targets him. His actions were:
N1 - Vest up.
N2 - Steal ability of his visitor. (He thought he would die, so he decided to activate this ability)
Krogo claimed that he visited Dyna on Night 1 and nothing happened to him.
So now, we are probably lynching Zara since we either think Zara is lying about his visit or he is a Ninja that doesn't appear to watchers. It's most likely the former imo.
I think that's it.