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Gorosei Informer

Chapter 1023: "Monsters Take The Charge"
- Aokiji appears and for some reasons is looking for Big Mom.
- Law Vs King.
- Zoro sees the condition of scabbards.
- Jack( hybrid) defeated inu.
- Zoro one shotted jack with an angry face ( seems like he used advcoc).
- Zoro:"now I understand what luffy was talking about".
- Luffy and momo reach on the onigashima and see the condition of kinemon and kiku.
- Luffy is really angry.
- Big mom is about to kill kid , Luffy stops her with his kick and lands a punch with adv coc ( just like bigmom did to page one ).
- Bigmom seems worried and about to get serious.
- Luffy: hey jaggy just hold her for few minutes, after kaido I am going to kick her ass.
- Kid: shut up I will defeat her.
- Kaido knocked out Yamato and about to attack her but Zoro blocks him with 2 swords and luffy saves yamato.
- Kaido attacks them with his kanabo.
- kaido's attack is blocked by both zoro(one sword) and luffy (kick).
- Zoro: "Luffy, let's finish it this time".
- Luffy:"Yeah".
- kaido is suprised.
- Kaido:" Here come the real monsters ".
No break next week
Chapter 1023: "Monsters Take The Charge"
- Aokiji appears and for some reasons is looking for Big Mom.
- Law Vs King.
- Zoro sees the condition of scabbards.
- Jack( hybrid) defeated inu.
- Zoro one shotted jack with an angry face ( seems like he used advcoc).
- Zoro:"now I understand what luffy was talking about".
- Luffy and momo reach on the onigashima and see the condition of kinemon and kiku.
- Luffy is really angry.
- Big mom is about to kill kid , Luffy stops her with his kick and lands a punch with adv coc ( just like bigmom did to page one ).
- Bigmom seems worried and about to get serious.
- Luffy: hey jaggy just hold her for few minutes, after kaido I am going to kick her ass.
- Kid: shut up I will defeat her.
- Kaido knocked out Yamato and about to attack her but Zoro blocks him with 2 swords and luffy saves yamato.
- Kaido attacks them with his kanabo.
- kaido's attack is blocked by both zoro(one sword) and luffy (kick).
- Zoro: "Luffy, let's finish it this time".
- Luffy:"Yeah".
- kaido is suprised.
- Kaido:" Here come the real monsters ".
No break next week
Have some shame
Killer already slaughtered Hawkins, no diffed him
Sorry @Pantheos but that ain't right :seriously: Hawkins right now is clearly destroying Killer and even Kid at the same time :milaugh: Poor Killer is struggling so hard :josad: If only Oda wouldn't nerf Hawkins so much and just let him be a pirate, then Killer would have killed Kid without him knowing it :lusalty:

Hawkins is outsmarting Killer so hard :cheers:


Title: Bottom of hell
-King and Zoro have a coc clash their swords are not touching.
-Sanji puts on the raid suit but queen says judges inferior technology wont be enough to beat him
-King goes hybrid
-Zoro lights his sword on fire they are blue flames
-Zoro says "Even your captain ran away from this attack:
-King says: "No his coc is too massive"
-Break next week

Gorosei Informer

Other Roof Piece fighters include Kiku, Raizo, and Kinemon. Killer did nothing. He's still fighting with Hawkins. Zoro would have slaughtered him already.
Killer actually hurt Kaido though. Internally. Sure Kaido isn't suffering from it now but it's still impressive to make him hurt like that, even if it was briefly.

Antonio Banderas in "The Mask Of Zorro" Quality film.

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