What will happen till end of Wano?

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Kinda sad Wano didn’t have a currently living top tier… even if he was on the lower part of this tier. So much for Wano being feared by marines.
The only living top tier in Wano is Kaido right now. And the Marines fear mostly the Samurais of Wano, sad how Wano is still living of Ryuma's legend.
Difference is Zoro is fighting a stronger character than Doflamingo : King, the RH of Kaido. Unless you gonna say Doffy is > King ?

I just know King faced Sanji one time and by Sanji's speech another time but both time Sanji was on the ground on pain, tell me how it's headcannon ?

Wait so you are saying King can't mid diff Queen (no way right) but Sanji with RS can mid diff Queen ? You know that put him close to admirals/yonkou lvl ? If Queen is still fine after all those hits, after facing Chopper and Marco, then it just means base Sanji is not enough lol.
1. I said that to show your first point was dumb
2.you said sanji didnt lend a hit on king you dont know that, and its obvious base sanji would not stand a chance against hybrid queen and base king, even marco couldent, still he was fine 5 seconds later tho so dont say it like he got ko
3. I didnt say sanji with rs can mid diff queen i said sanji after he unlocks his lineage factor full power he can mid diff queen, still doesn't matter, as long as queen cant hit sanji and he keeps damaging him without even using haki, anti manner, hell memories sanji is gonne win the fight even if its gonne take him a day to put him down, chopper bearly damaged him so dont include that.
Base king grouped with a cyborg genius ancient zoan in hybrid.

what bad portrayal Ndule 🥲
:josad: didn't say that was bad
Even tho his opponent isn't that powerful

If he was that powerful, he would be getting a solo hype and portrayal like Ray, Oden, Katakuri all got from Oda
Everybody hyping them, about their fighting skills, having their presence felt all over.

This is hype "that man is the biggest threat in traffic party" a bigger threat than Yonko Linlin!
"Incredible aura " WB sensing Oden
Oda made their presence feel beastly
Zoro was mocked by haters for not getting called monstrous samurai by Kaido
Oda: here take this instead there is no bigger legend than Ryuma:myman:
Hyogoro and Kawamatsu talk about Zoro while they see him fighting with King.
- They say he reminds them a lot of Ringo's lord, Shimotsuki Ushimaru, and also the legendary samurai Shimotsuki Ryuma.
- the legendary samurai Shimotsuki Ryuma (it seems he also had a damaged eye).
Can see it happening, probably Zoro fans who hate the outcome of King vs Zoro going to thx Oda later.
Not only he take on the strongest member aside Kaido, he character with incredible hype, if he finish of Kaido after, Zoro fans really can´t judge Oda for doing bad to Zoro this arc.
One thing whiich we all agree, Kaiido need to get killed.

I though RS+Haki could be enough, like Drake/Apoo little help him to take the win, but I didn´t expect two powerups for Sanji to beat Queen, but again this makes sense. Luffy go forward the hell to beat Doffy,Cracker and finally Katakuri(he need here a powerup+lot of plotarmor, Katakuri was the hardest and brutal fight for Luffy so far) to became far stronger, these guys are not easily to beat and Oda show it how hard it was. Queen plays in the same league as these guys, im glad Oda didn´t forget how hard it was for Luffy to beat commanders. Glad that Oda most like take this part for Sanji too..
That just means for me queen is the strongest yc2, king the strongest yc1, makes sense to me when Kaido is the strongest yonkou.

I'm drinking the anti-king vs zoro team's tears like watermelon juice, they hated it and now regarding what King is showing, how little by little Oda is wanking him, not to forget that during the same fight we get the parallel of Ryuma that we all waited for ...
Oda humbled all of them :ihaha:

The plot should have been done waaaaaaay earlier... like in act 1-2 hahahahaha
Zoro claimed he would do so for Luffy by the time Luffy returns with Sanji

Oda just ignored the fuck out of it

Same with Franky who claimed he will create weapons to fight Kaido.... We haven't seen it yet... and the only major weapon (Franky shogun armor) was destroyed by Sasaki

Oda is just ignoring some thoughts he planned before and is going with new stuff LOL
Oda delayed it for a long time, but it sounds like he is finally doing something about it. I think it should have been done during Act 1 but everyone dropped the ball on that.

Maybe Franky will be the one to finish Kaido with his anti Kaido weapon! 😆
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