What will happen till end of Wano?

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Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Forget tag team, there are more pressing matters on the table.
If Zoro and Sanji are supposed to be wings and the purpose of the wings is to carry.
If one wing is stronger than Luffy, shouldn't the other wing become stronger than Luffy as well?
Still, don't get the wrong idea, forget about being equal to Zoro.
However, there is a good chance that Oda wants Sanjino stronger than Luffy.
Whaddaya think, MZ-chan? :catpole:
well zoro and sanji are same i mean wano zoro=>eos sanji (king):milaugh::milaugh::milaugh:


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
The only reason Drake got promoted to Rear Admiral was because his father was famous in the past and the marines(foolishly) thought Drake has potential.
Who said he must have the pu to defeat queen ? then i guess zoro is weaker then doffy because he didnt fight him, sanji fought king os so you dont know that, headcannon you dont know how big is the difference between yc1 to yc2.
The facts are : so far base sanji vs hybrid queen got no problems, can damage him without the suit, so sanji with his new pu can mid diff queen imo, that means he can deal with king because there is no way queen is mid diff to king.
Difference is Zoro is fighting a stronger character than Doflamingo : King, the RH of Kaido. Unless you gonna say Doffy is > King ?

I just know King faced Sanji one time and by Sanji's speech another time but both time Sanji was on the ground on pain, tell me how it's headcannon ?

Wait so you are saying King can't mid diff Queen (no way right) but Sanji with RS can mid diff Queen ? You know that put him close to admirals/yonkou lvl ? If Queen is still fine after all those hits, after facing Chopper and Marco, then it just means base Sanji is not enough lol.
Momo is Luffy's taxi and the guy that is going to give Luffy and Zoro some meat and sake after saving their useless country lol. After Ryuma's death the country went down so bad.
Kinda sad Wano didn’t have a currently living top tier… even if he was on the lower part of this tier. So much for Wano being feared by marines.
For me this chapter is showing that Diable Jambe is something completely related to Sanji especifically, looks like Queen tried to make the correlation with King's race, but in reality DJ is something completely different and unknown, even during WCI the Germa fodder couldn't understand what it was, Judge and Sanji's siblings also didn't mention it.

Sanji is a modified human
That was explained since wCI
He just didn't develop the powers Jduge wanted him to have coz of the drug Sora took.
That drug is the reason why Sanji creates fire instead of going invisible and being stealthy as Judge wanted.

Why are people clowning Sanji for something we knew since wCi

Shimotsuki Zoro ...I guarantee Shimotsuki clan all had avatar powers or whatever , that's why Zoro has Ashura, ryuma probably had something else.

Vinsmokes : modified humans with powers
Shimotsuki: can create illusions like ashura
D. Clan : some, got VOAT, most got CoC... they also have some ancient powers I bet
Judge RS awakened King's race dna in Sanji's body. King's race dna carried him since day one. :suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure:
Yes, it’s why Oda only has 1 in the story

That's why King is fighting zoro not Luffy
That's why King is always grouped with Queen
Someone so powerful doesn't get his own intro and chapter hype but has to share it with Queen always

Oh I'm well aware that Momo is gonna be way more relevant to the story, specially because I still think he's Uranus, the second sovereign mentioned by the sea kings in oden's flashback, destined to meet Shirahoshi and make something happen, bla bla bla.
"Adult Momo" is still not something I'm a fan.
Not in a million years.
Shitty Lambo.
Lambo is way better than Momo or any kid Oda created .

Reborn main cast > OP main cast
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