What will happen till end of Wano?

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Sanji fsiled st everything when he was young then got locked up. Zeff traained him some. Then he ran away from trannies for 2 years. Zoro been training and going through hardships.
Sanji failed because he was compared to his brothers, imagine being a 5 year old and you are forced to lift dozens of pounds every day and your physical aptitudes are compared to that of a world class athlete, it's ridiculously unfair, sanji might've been even stronger than zoro during his childhood because of hard he was forced to train

As for his training I'm 100% convinced there's more to it, he returned with God tier observation haki that can even suprise Kata, fire bending, armement haki, obviously he did more than run


Talent is something you make bloom.
So the community theory is that Zoro is related to Ushimaru and that after his defeat in the Wano rebellion 20 years ago, someone took Zoro to the East Blue and dropped him off on the Shimotsuki Village in the East Blue?


These characters keep travelling around the world like it's nothing now, that shit was suposed to be hard.
He was smuggled in one of the Germa Ships.
That's why Zoro and Sanji are destined to be best "frenemies".
Trafalgar “D. Water” Law
Those two names were hidden.
Doflamingo said, “the family of D have been hiding in history, where are they? When will they come out? Tell the Tenriyubitos in Marygeoise that they will dragged down from Heaven” “Who will betray who? Who will ally with who? It’s begun, the battle for supremacy”

Zoro as a lot of us Zoro fans understand, will cut down Kaido. His name will enter Heaven. Then some time later he will become WSS, where he will stand among the pinnacle of pirates.

And if he kills Kaido that replicates a world shaking feat another D did, Marshall D. Teech. The death of Kaido and the dissolution of Big Moms Crew, two Yonko crews will shake the New World.

Will of Ds are known to do this sort of thing. Zoro fighting King, Zoro killing Kaido, Ryuma stuff, and Shimotsuki talk is not child’s play, teasing, or just plot by Oda.

We are in the endgame and this is just beginning
This is cool and all, but still does not explain how Zoro is a Shimo, especially since other Shimos that we know of do not hide their surname.
This is cool and all, but still does not explain how Zoro is a Shimo, especially since other Shimos that we know of do not hide their surname.
The Shimotsuki's in the village left decades before Kaido and Orochi terror, if Zoro was smuggled out while the Shimotsuki's were being targeted it could've been for his safety.
Edit: I also think the main point of that poster was that there are D. members out in the open and someone like Law who hides it.
Even Koushiro was born in the East Blue, i'm just confused how Zoro would be related to the Shimotsuki clan here

since the one that came had Koushiro who had Kuina after

was Zoro related the Kozaburo at all? or another Shimotsuki? :bamathink:
So 50 years ago Kozaburo left, but he's certainly not a direct paternal relationship to Ushimaru or Yasue, the two Shimotsuki leaders still in Wano.

My guess has been since Ushimaru died, a vassal of his traveled with Zoro to Shimotsuki village in East Blue. They told Kozaburo what was happening in Wano.

Consequently I think Kozaburo is this person:

Aiming to get back to Wano right before the promised time (the dawn).


So 50 years ago Kozaburo left, but he's certainly not a direct paternal relationship to Ushimaru or Yasue, the two Shimotsuki leaders still in Wano.

My guess has been since Ushimaru died, a vassal of his traveled with Zoro to Shimotsuki village in East Blue. They told Kozaburo what was happening in Wano.

Consequently I think Kozaburo is this person:

Aiming to get back to Wano right before the promised time (the dawn).
So not Shiki hm? that's a crazy bet, Oda doesn't make similar designs like these very often
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