What will happen till end of Wano?

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- The medicine has a Massive side-effect
- Cutting Fire was foreshadowed way back in punk hazard and it makes perfect sense for Zoro to learn that
- Do you realize ASURA is a 9 SWORD STYLE ATTACK ? it took all 9 blades to Scar kaido
- Oda forced Zoro out Kuri palace because he would have neg diffed Kaido's boro breath
- he couldn't REACH pica without orlumbus , that's very different
You are the definition of Pure Lanji-tard
This argument was started over who has the most plot convenience and help.

Luffy or zoro.

Zoro conveniently got a magic senzu bean after breaking 20 bones. It doesn't matter if his pain doubles. It's a convenient plot armor to keep him relevant to the story.

Zoros main opponent this arc is a firebending bird. Zoro conveniently through plot learns how to cut fire this arc. This is plot armor. You don't see sanji learning a special dinosaur crushing move specifically for queens abilities.

Ashura Is illusions. Not actually 9 swords but either way that's not the dudes argument. Zoro conveniently got a magic sword that allowed him to cut kaido.
Post whole cake island luffy couldn't even hurt a kaido so drunk he couldn't stand. Yet zoro gets a magic sword from oden with no development himself and somehow hurts kaido? That's called plot armor and convenience.

Without orlumbus zoro wouldve watched as all of dressrosa and his crewmates died on that hill with king riku.

These are all facts. Deny it being plot armor all you want but it's true. You are a fool and aren't even worth debating with. I'm wondering why I took the time to write all of this instead of watching some more hunter x hunter...
YOOOO We might just get Vegapunk's official intro in chapter 1031.

Whole version:
"Inspired by this video, Yuderon correctly predicted the chapter jinbei was joining and that onigashma would get moved to the flower capital. In the video at the time stamp Yuderon explains the word play and then mentions the next big one being chapter 1031. With the options being:

>10(ten) 31(sai) -> Heavenly Disaster (possible outcome onigashma falls on the flower capital)
>10(ten) 31(sai) -> Genius (Chapter is about vegapunk)
>10(too) 31(michi)->The long way(Chapter could be about the road poneglyph) "

Heavenly disaster make more sense for me but let see what going to happen.
How much do i hate Zoro? None at all, me thinking that Zoro's feat of blocking an indirect projectile attack for 1 sec with broken bones to be not massively greater than Sanji holding off two YCs at the same time with no damage, have nothing to do with me hating Zoro or not lol. I compared the two feats and didn't find anything that makes the two worlds apart.

"Lets give em a big one"

"Its a big one"

All they said was about its size instead of deadly or powerful or whatever. If you say that BM said surviving against that is very impressive, well they are very impressive. But if you emphasize on reaction to say its the strongest attack in OO, well Kaidou was screaming as a reaction when Law dropped some rocks on him. Screaming and saying impressive, which is more significant? If judging from reaction alone, screaming in pain is more significant.

Judging from its size? Well King Punch is big as well, but apparently Bartolomeo and Pica received it with no problem. Hakai size is island (small island? Onigashima compared to Wano mainland?) level but doesnt mean its power is island level since it met no resistance at all except Zoro. Imagine if Hakai is island level then Ragnarok and TB should be multi-island level since direct attack is stronger than indirect attack, and blocking one indirect attack for 1 sec is much less than blocking/receiving the full brunt of a direct attack. Thats why repeating about feat of Zoro and Sanji (defensively, in this case) being incomparable just doesn't seem right. Speed feat? Fresh Zoro performed similarly to wounded/weakened Sanji after 2v1, so where is this incomparability? If its about the size (metric) they received, then of course what Zoro received is much bigger. He didn't block the entirety of the attack after all, he blocked a portion he can manage to parry physically. Yea what Zoro blocked is much bigger than what Sanji blocked.

But about the attack will annihilate them all, thats Zoro's subjective assumption, which had been proven wrong in Boro Breath case.
Love how this dude ignores everything from Kidd to Law to Kaido/BM and is fixated on least relevant stuff; the size.
Luffy Sun God
Zoro Sword God
Nami Weather Goddess
Ussop God
Sanji Flame Devil
Chopper Monster Devil
Robin Devil child
Franky Pluton God
Brook Soul Devil
Jinbei Sea God

Straw hats a crew of Gods and Devils
Whole version:
"Inspired by this video, Yuderon correctly predicted the chapter jinbei was joining and that onigashma would get moved to the flower capital. In the video at the time stamp Yuderon explains the word play and then mentions the next big one being chapter 1031. With the options being:

>10(ten) 31(sai) -> Heavenly Disaster (possible outcome onigashma falls on the flower capital)
>10(ten) 31(sai) -> Genius (Chapter is about vegapunk)
>10(too) 31(michi)->The long way(Chapter could be about the road poneglyph) "

Heavenly disaster make more sense for me but let see what going to happen.
Add to this if we get the disaster thing, I think that either the disaster meaning for something with the calamity or Kaido doing some crazy stuff.
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