What will happen till end of Wano?

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I hope he has a trump card to make it competitive for a bit before Neko btfo him
As I said he learned the trick to Sulong, block them from the moon they can’t use their super form.

This way:
1. Pero can show his intelligence and skill with his fruit
2. Pero can beat someone of the same caliber as Jacks opponent believably
I don't get what's funny, that literally one of the most important parts of the chapter, whitebeard telling Marco about king's race and sanji being likely to be from that race
hes not from the race, matter of fact all his brothers are from the same mother and father, did u skip ur freaking biology classes or smth, damn stupidity
zlso title is about Zoro not Lanji
Its a stretch, but what I'm hoping for is "sort" of Round 2s there.

Basically the 2 Calamity fights could last a long time, far longer than the 15 minute time limit Oda gave for Onigashima to crash on the island. Once Momo saves the island, its possible the remaining crew notices the BMP have been following the island to invade it.

Thus prompts 2nd round fights with some characters. Someone like Jinbe could fight Smoothie. Some like Chopper could fight Daifuku or have a strong enough new form for Snack or Compote. Nami could decimate half the weak fodder with Zeus. Brook/Usopp could fight or tag Snack. Hell, give Kawamatsu, Izo and Denjiro something to do too. Raizo, Inu and Neko have major fights, so why can't they?

Weird ideas like that. I don't expect it but it's fun to think about
If the big moms pirates get fights it will probably be people like drake apoo heat wire bepo brook nami chopper usopp etc. I don’t see any straw hat getting another fight especially jinbe


Bald Spoiler Provider
>Zoro and Sanji face King and Queen together.
>Sanji: I'm wearing the Raid Suit for the second time here already and my body is just-
>Zoro: Don't drag me down then.
>Sanji: I'm not saying I'm feeling bad, it's just "strange".
>The fire on Sanji's leg seemingly becomes bigger.
>Queen laughs: You must be one of Germa's Cyborgs!! That leg is mechanical and can burn if you want it to, huh!?
>Sanji: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm 100% human. ("I" is said with a term that translates to "The great me", odd for Sanji.)
>Queen: Regular humans can produce fire now? No, don't tell me you're also part of the Lunaria clan.
>King stares at Queen: ...
No wonder he is a disgusting pervert and even with an entire arc dedicated to him, he is still the worst mugiwara by far.
Dude got tenryubito dna.
Arguably brook is worst and usopp is as worst, at least sanji never asks for panties, plus brook already confirmed he regularly spies on women while in his soul form and usopp said he was jealous

Atleast sanji saved the crew more times than anyone else
The issue would be that Jinbei defeating someone of a similar rank to Sanji's Opponent would be something that Oda wouldn't do. At least not in the same arc
Tbh I don't regard Smoothie at all in the same rank as Queen. The whole "YC2" thing really is blown way out of proportion.

Smoothie is just vastly different fight type. And if we are being honest, look at Inu right now. So due to that logic, Inu has to be stronger than Jinbe? Is he stronger than Neko since Neko is fighting a 700 million bounty non-Yonko commander?
  • Smoothie

  • Compote
  • Daifuku
  • Mont'dor
  • Galette
There are enough opponents tot give something to straw hats like Brook, Chopper and Brook each. Heck even give Jinbe an actual difficult fight against a commander, Nami could get an actual legit victory now that she'll be in control of Zeus. You say Snack is there too? I don't remember it. Why not against shogun less Franky lol
It's a stretch but that would give actual purpose to BMP being there. I personally don't mind the arc taking longer to finish if we get that. I'm not hasty for the series to end.
Snack should be, you can see his silhouette when they first arrive. Hard to see but he's there. I also think the Anime actually had Snack around too.
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