[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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No dude... that's a bike...!!
Fuji I love you, but I will never understand why people ignore others in a game or allow themselves to get so emotional that they have to do this. Especially since Ekko and you have been fairly civil compared to some of the real heated moments in Mafia.
it gets much worst, this isnt the first time me and fuji sused each other day 1 and it usually ends with both of us dying by the end of the cycle one way or another
1. @Hayumi why did u call @ConquistadoR a suslord exactly around that time. it seems u were just going off dest posts there without reasons of ur own.
2. how do u expect him to defend himself in that situation tho? it seems that he got caught offguard by someone suddenly accusing him of stuff this early in the game and he wasnt expecting it so had no idea what to say, regardless of alignment, what do u expect him to say there without any results or stuff to back himself up with? he literally had nothing but last game to work with in terms of meta and playstyles.
3. the only part that i see as rly poor in his defense is him trying to use claims as a way to get out. the rest could be said by a surprised townie as well, but eagerly being willing to claim this early is bad and he should know that after what happened last game.
Look at how Prof conversed with me and defended himself as well as how he's posted afterwards. Prof was calm, didn't react in a big way, and kind of didn't get into too much of a shouting match with me. Conq on the other hand was emotional with varying amounts of emotion (humor, anger, arrogance) and then kept switching between 'I don't care what you say' and defending himself. If he had just chosen one way to defend himself, maybe I would have bought his defense as more believable, but it kind of seemed like he was rotating through excuses to see what would get him out of hot water.
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