What will happen till end of Wano?

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Mosh piece theory.

The shandias are in a war in Skypiea but pray to Sun God for help. For centuries they have no hope so they fly down to Sun God itself who resides on top of red wall. The shandian falls in love with Lunaria on top of red wall. The shandian who had wings and Lunaria who could manipulate fire both had a child who had wings + fire ability and his name was King. King was raised to be the saviour of the war in Skypea. Before that the lunaria were attacked by the World Government. King who was the only one with wings could fly away and escape. He became the Sun God whose duty is to free the slaves.

He joined Kaido to gain strength to defeat WG.
The thing is, Zoro's ambition is entirely put 2nd to Luffy's. This is from Zoro's own statements with Kuma. He's willing to sacrifice his life so his captain can achieve his dream.

He reiterates it again to Mihawk. He begs him to train and puts his pride aside to get stronger for Luffy. It's a huge measure of his character and its why he's one of my favorites in this series
Then... When Luffy said "I will go up to take down Kaido, you guy handles the rest", why Zoro didn't listen and still had an epic announcement that he will cut down Kaido. This is so inconsistency in my opinion.
Yeah dominated with raid suit but still couldn't even finish him off Page one was fine and against Drake, he was fighting Drake in the weakest form lmfao worst example to give. Yeah I agree Dino zoan are though but if you think Jimbei against Who Who wasn't dominance and low diff while getting shit on by near beast pirates then youre just being delusional. Jimbei before time skip shown to have insane insurance and power, we saw him handle Big Mom (Ik she was weaken but still strong) and recently we saw his haki which shown to be strong af so why Jimbei can't handle Queen? I believe from his previous feats he can easily take on Queen and handle as well as Sanji if not even more well
Well I acknowledge that Jinbe is strong. Him handling Who's Who the way he did is testament to his pedigree but coz he decked Who's Who doesn't mean he's on Queen's level. Oda has clearly set Zoro and Sanji apart from even the likes of Jinbe with their matchups this arc and if that isn't convincing enough he even goes as far as to refer to the earlier as Luffy's wings, saying Jinbe is as a strong as or stronger than Sanji is just denial at this point:catsweat:
Then... When Luffy said "I will go up to take down Kaido, you guy handles the rest", why Zoro didn't listen and still had an epic announcement that he will cut down Kaido. This is so inconsistency in my opinion.
It's not really inconsistent. Even when he was up there he told Kaido he had to take him out first before Luffy. It was very in character. The plot deemed it worthy that he cut Kaido due to Enma. It happened and he met his limit at the time. He also was up there saving Luffy multiple times, as he's done for him many times in the past

And that still that doesn't mean he can't pull a Ryuma on Kaido after Luffy wins either. But its important to remember that Zoro will throw his life and dream away so Luffy achieves his. That's fucking loyalty, and it's great writing from Oda.


Bald Spoiler Provider
Queen takes the opportunity and tries to attack Zoro with a new technique called “Bridal Grapper” (Bridal Heat Fist - ブライダル 熱拳) with which he turns the claw of his ponytail into a flaming claw.
Queen as he defends himself with his arm with Busoshoku Haki and his claws.




And then this arc, the first person to take notice of them:


That thread you made a year ago may actually have some merit lol: https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/for...ing-to-defeat-all-10-numbers-by-himself.6726/

I'm sticking to this theory for now, Usopps done so little it's really uncanny why he hasn't gotten shit all arc. This could really drive home that idea if the Numbers attack the capital or something.
I just don’t see the Numbers being able to get up on time for that to happen. It’s not like they have Ancient Zoan recovery or Awakening. I think Jack beats Sulong Inu by using Awakening. Jack will be heavily weakened, and Usopp will have to face him. Usopp will use tactics to fight Jack from a distance and weaken him little by little, until Jack inevitably reaches him, and then Usopp will either get or show off a huge new powerup to put Jack down. The main reason why I say this is that I think it’s very likely that Oda will want to maintain Usopp’s relatively high bounty in the crew, so Usopp has to accomplish something greater than beating a F5, like Robin, Franky, and Nami did, in order to stay ahead of them. Usopp becoming Luffy’s YC3 would make sense because of Yasopp being Shanks’ YC3
We will

1.It’s zoro whos stronger
2. There’s no set powerscale for that to be a question
3. Will obviously be answered

Admirals and yonko is the easiest debate for the future. If in two arcs luffy is pushed to extreme diff by akainu it’s Akainu>kaido. It isn’t hard to understand fr
The debate is less about Zoro vs Sanji and moreso who’s the duo in the monster trio.

Is it Luffy > Zoro >> Sanji or Luffy >> Zoro > Sanji.

Oda intentionally portrays it both ways. One moment it’s Luffy and Zoro on the rooftop, with Sanji below, the next moment it’s Luffy on the rooftop with Zoro and Sanji below.
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