Usually yes, I agree.
But I don't care for the numbers considering how much of a throwaway the others have been up until now.
Not only that but the horrible bait and switch from page one to this is just a massive downgrade imo.
If Usopp was never meant to fight or beat page one then I wouldn't be mad at it, had oda not spend so much time "building it up".
Seeing Usopp struggle against numbers that are one shot material just isn't interesting for me.
It's better than a repetitive Usopp sniping from far away like in Eneies Lobby or Dressrosa, but again, numbers were basically all one shot... except for the one with black Maria, that one was two touched. I can't get excited for that, even if Usopp is my favorite character.
Usopp beating them is equivalent to Brook beating the fodder that were with black Maria.
BTW it won't be 10 giants he takes out: Yamato one shot one of them, Franky one shot one of them, Brook one shot one, one got dealt with on the roof... there's like 4 left.
That fight can get offscreened, personally.