What will happen till end of Wano?

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Wait... So King was aiming to Attack Sanji despite Zoro being infront of him?

Priorities guys! Priorities!


Also, funny how King and Zoro themselves confirmed what we all have been saying about King is not a true swordsman LMAO... the dude is more than simple sword user... it's really funny when it comes out of their mouth though regardless if he ended up with Zoro or not...

Queen is a cyborg that EVEN Vegapunk cannot create?

As hype as that may sound... I have my doubts about this Queen LOL... but still, if true, great hype!
Usually yes, I agree.

But I don't care for the numbers considering how much of a throwaway the others have been up until now.

Not only that but the horrible bait and switch from page one to this is just a massive downgrade imo.

If Usopp was never meant to fight or beat page one then I wouldn't be mad at it, had oda not spend so much time "building it up".

Seeing Usopp struggle against numbers that are one shot material just isn't interesting for me.

It's better than a repetitive Usopp sniping from far away like in Eneies Lobby or Dressrosa, but again, numbers were basically all one shot... except for the one with black Maria, that one was two touched. I can't get excited for that, even if Usopp is my favorite character.

Usopp beating them is equivalent to Brook beating the fodder that were with black Maria.

BTW it won't be 10 giants he takes out: Yamato one shot one of them, Franky one shot one of them, Brook one shot one, one got dealt with on the roof... there's like 4 left.

That fight can get offscreened, personally.
The feat against the numbers that we are talking about isn't supposed to be a struggled 1v10 lol.

Think more like the Sugar chapter. Potentially Usopp uses a weapon to shoot them all with that requires time and precision that Page 1 wouldn't give him, but enough time before they destroy the capital or something.

Clearly what I'm saying is made up BS but you get the point hopefully. It's about a feat performed that only Usopp can do in time. He is tragically the only strawhat this arc without any amazing moments. This could be that redemption
Zoro: "Your battle style is curious...!!"

King: "There's no need for fixed form and style in real battle."

Zoro: "You're right.
Now I think about it, you never said you are a swordman..."

Zoro picks up the 2 swords that he had lost and returns to the fight.

Zoro: "If it's necessary I may need to win this battle biting your neck and tearing your windpipe...
Becouse I can't lose no matter what!

Yikes. All the years swordbois were telling us if you have a sword you are a swordsman no matter what. Here their hero pours cold water on their headcanon :josad:


Spoiler Provider
Zoro: "Your battle style is curious...!!"

King: "There's no need for fixed form and style in real battle."

Zoro: "You're right.
Now I think about it, you never said you are a swordman..."

Zoro picks up the 2 swords that he had lost and returns to the fight.

Zoro: "If it's necessary I may need to win this battle biting your neck and tearing your windpipe...
Becouse I can't lose no matter what!

Yikes. All the years swordbois were telling us if you have a sword you are a swordsman no matter what. Here their hero pours cold water on their headcanon :josad:
Do you even understand the dialogue you just posted?:kobeha::kobeha::kobeha:


Bald Spoiler Provider
Picture of Ryoma, as if you see Zoro exactly, he has the same scar as Zoro in his right eye and a scar under his left eye
Sanji used a wonderful fire attack
for Marco, his picture and Izu carrying him won't impress his fans,
but the shape of Jack in the hybrid is a masterpiece
in a frame that shows the hand of Momonoske and he is a human at the age of 28, a simple problem

Zoro: "Your battle style is curious...!!"

King: "There's no need for fixed form and style in real battle."

Zoro: "You're right.
Now I think about it, you never said you are a swordman..."

Zoro picks up the 2 swords that he had lost and returns to the fight.

Zoro: "If it's necessary I may need to win this battle biting your neck and tearing your windpipe...
Becouse I can't lose no matter what!

Yikes. All the years swordbois were telling us if you have a sword you are a swordsman no matter what. Here their hero pours cold water on their headcanon :josad:
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