Current Events A Decade of Zoro Propaganda Down the Toilet-How Zoro Himself Destroyed the Swordsmen Narrative

King literally called Zoro’s swordsmanship traditional. Zoro’s 3 sword style is at best a unique variation on the most typical fighting style imaginable, which is why Zoro acknowledges that unique sword carriers like King are not swordsmen.

Fujitora could literally discard his sword and not lose an ounce of his gravitational power. When you can discard your swords altogether and your fighting style doesn’t change one bit, you are not a swordsman lol. Fujitora isn’t done uninspired traditional fighter like Zoro or Shanks or Mihawk, nobody else in One Piece can use Fujitora’s techniques.
Zoro neve said King carrying that Sword makes him not a swordsman. Wtf are you reading. Also Fujitora is confirmed a Swordsman in the volume.
I like that even if this chapter confirms that not all sword fighters are swordsman when their fighting style isn't limited to swordsmanship, Shanks is still classed as a swordsman which means his fighting style centers entirely around swordsmanship. Mihawk is still in the same league as the Yonkou and Admirals.


Lead them to paradise.
Talk in more practical terms - tell me how the neg diffing of Luffy in Kuri has helped Kaido to neg dif Zoro?
Apply the same to Roger neg diffing King to Roger neg diffing Zoro and perhaps you might see some logic.
Except Its not the same? Zoro didnt fight Luffy but Kaido and with help.

Your logic makes no sense, if Person A high diffs person C but Person B negg diffs Person C then person B>A.
Then why is his fighting style called after his sword? Why does he never fight without his sword? Why is he based on Zatoichi? Why did Zoro not once mention that Fujitora isn’t a swordsman despite running into him… five separate times in Dressrosa?

King is excluded from being a swordsman by Zoro because he’s just a blood thirsty brute who is throwing in random spiked punches, has a sword catcher and doesn’t have anything resembling a set fighting style. Fujitora is nothing like that. It’s quite a specific thing to King, not something that applies to a host of swordsmen.

There’s more reason to think that Zoro can fight with three scythes instead of swords, or no swords at all, because at least we’ve actually seen that happen, than there is to think Fujitora can fight without his sword
King wasn't excluded from being a Swordsman. If King reply was that this is my unique swordsman style. All Zoro would if said is i can't lose to a swordsman. Just like with Cabji, ohm etc....
No the problem is you guys get way too caught up on fanmade definitions of swordsman to make up headcanon.

Pica clearly wasn't just a swordsman either lol. Carrying a sword does not mean you are exclusively competing to become the WSS or can exclusively fight that way.

This is why Shanks vs Mihawk discussions are so heated, because 1 side can't understand the concept of a duel potentially being based on exclusively using swords, and not entirely based on the complete skillset of someone specifically.

There's nothing saying Shanks can't just drop Gryphon and fight a different way. Hell, there's nothing stating Mihawk can't either. In terms of SWORD TECHNIQUE, Mihawk is the best. In terms of anything else, it's not defined at all in this series whatsoever. Nothing actually states Mihawk is stronger than Shanks lol. As a sword user, sure, but that's ONE avenue of fighting, which hasn't even been fully defined for Shanks

And THATS why this interaction with King is so important, because the story is literally telling you the concept of "swordman" does not matter to people like King.
Agreed Shanks can drop his sword, but when he drops it is he getting weaker? My answer is yes he is. Since all the Haki he has can be channel in his sword and swords are more lethal cause they cut. Shanks isn't a DF user


Kitetsu Wanker
Except Its not the same? Zoro didnt fight Luffy but Kaido and with help.
Your logic makes no sense, if Person A high diffs person C but Person B negg diffs Person C then person B>A.
Why is it not the same? You just tried to apply Roger beating King easier than Zoro will beat him as victory for Roger over Zoro.
While at the same time being confronted that Kaido's victory over Luffy transfers into Kaido being molested by Zoro...
I told you, Zoro is an MC who needs to have 2 chapter long fight and just because Roger can end the same guy in one panel it means nothing because Roger too will fall against Zoro after 2 chapters long fight. Zoro wins, always and Roger has no answer for god mode.
So following this logic : Luffy> zoro and everyone else because tegardless of what difficulty he needs he ends up winning either way in the end.
The guy who lost 4 times in this arc only is the one who ends up winning? Try to make sense lol.
I like that even if this chapter confirms that not all sword fighters are swordsman when their fighting style isn't limited to swordsmanship, Shanks is still classed as a swordsman which means his fighting style centers entirely around swordsmanship. Mihawk is still in the same league as the Yonkou and Admirals.
YC1 and Warlords.

If he was in the leagues of Yonkos and Admirals, he would have been one, the fact is he is not! He is a warlord, not more than that!

If anybody says otherwise, he a fool. All he is waiting is, Oda to make his wish come true.