[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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The Rogue Prince
I didn't end up voting UWU and he wasn't my main push at EOD. In fact, Ekko called me out on defending him.
yeah ik. but you eventually agreed to wager uwu's flip for ekko's on d2 right? frankly i didnt check your final vote. i just wanted to push the newbie on why he used his ability on ekko.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Hmm.. who'd be mafia in this setup and how many are there, what abilities can we expect from them @Ekkologix

no idea, maybe fatui since abyss was cult
but rn it seems that the mafia r just gna be playable characters given xiao and lumine flips

probabaly 1 of each element, minus geo and anemo

meaning they have a pyro, a cryo, a hydro and an electro is a possibility

pyro can maybe burn abilities, cryo can roleblock, hydro might work as a scum buffer or healer and electro maybe vote silencer
no idea, maybe fatui since abyss was cult
but rn it seems that the mafia r just gna be playable characters given xiao and lumine flips

probabaly 1 of each element, minus geo and anemo

meaning they have a pyro, a cryo, a hydro and an electro is a possibility

pyro can maybe burn abilities, cryo can roleblock, hydro might work as a scum buffer or healer and electro maybe vote silencer
I mean like, if scum were to claim abilities of certain scum characters, what ability-combinations would stick out most and fit to said characters

Like in ToG game I could also tell what stuff wouldn't fly as town

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