He's half a devil. :goyea:

If Sora turns out to be Lunarian then Sanji will be half-devil too? :crazwhat:
>Symbolically, 333 is used to represent Choronzon, a demon used in the philosophy of Thelema.

>Choronzon /ˌkoʊˌroʊnˈzoʊn/ is a demon that originated in writing with the 16th-century occultists Edward Kelley and John Dee within the latter's occult system of Enochian magic. In the 20th century he became an important element within the mystical system of Thelema, founded by Aleister Crowley, where he is the "dweller in the abyss",[1][2] believed to be the last great obstacle between the adept and enlightenment.

Enlightened Zoro soon :crazwhat:
They revealed Sengoku has Conquerers and Yasu didn’t eat a smile
These are craaazy story implications

Meaning Sengoku is the first confirmed Marine to have Conquerers
Sengoku having CoC doesn't change a lot except making the moment when Akainu gets it more believable and not out of nowhere. Yasu's smile thing just heightened his character, that's all. But Aokiji being a Sword member changes everything. It's too much unless it's revealed in the chapter itself and not the SBS.
Sengoku having CoC doesn't change a lot except making the moment when Akainu gets it more believable and not out of nowhere. Yasu's smile thing just heightened his character, that's all. But Aokiji being a Sword member changes everything. It's too much unless it's revealed in the chapter itself and not the SBS.
It’s so obvious he is tho
About as obvious as Zoro Ryuma parallels
But some ppl are too stupid to realize I guess
>Symbolically, 333 is used to represent Choronzon, a demon used in the philosophy of Thelema.

>Choronzon /ˌkoʊˌroʊnˈzoʊn/ is a demon that originated in writing with the 16th-century occultists Edward Kelley and John Dee within the latter's occult system of Enochian magic. In the 20th century he became an important element within the mystical system of Thelema, founded by Aleister Crowley, where he is the "dweller in the abyss",[1][2] believed to be the last great obstacle between the adept and enlightenment.

Enlightened Zoro soon :crazwhat:
Now i want Zoro's bounty post Wano to be 1.666
Dew it Oda.
They revealed Sengoku has Conquerers and Yasu didn’t eat a smile
These are craaazy story implications

Meaning Sengoku is the first confirmed Marine to have Conquerers
True but unless Oda intends to not focus much on Kuzan or little, I don't sre such a casual confirmation like yeah he's sword member whatever. Only way that's happening is if Oda wont focus much on Kuzan anymore, what he did with Sengoku and Yasuie
Lit and Spidey sense? Sanji chapter confirmed
Spidey-Sense could just be more of a "Chills" gif tho

If he wanted to make a CoO hint, there's a lot better Spidey-Sense gifs to use

That one is mostly used to say someone got chills after something

and the fire emoji could be so many things

There's King, There's Momo flying with flame clouds / Boro breath

Don't bet on Sanji

Especially because how the second half of the chapter didn't focus on them at all and finished with Luffy and Momo going back up
