I honesly can't remember being mad about that but I do remember they were pretty early? I was thinking 35 mins early or so but it seems much earlier going by when the thread was opened?
They used to come out at around 11:30am for me, maybe 10:30 at the earliest? But they started coming out around 1:30pm for me lately, which I was using as the basis for my estimates on when future ones will drop. Its almost 2:30 am for me now for context too, I'm in the (not so) United Kingdom.
I don't remember them being out that early though?
I have been uncharacteristically angrier than usual though as well due to IRL issues and such though, so I do apologise for any prior aggressiveness/toxicity I may and sure I have expressed before too recently? I criticise Oda for not taking enough breaks but here I am doing the same! (Although for me its just taking a break from here and other things I spend a lot of time on.)