Break Week Which Yonko would you join?

Which crew do you go to?

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You’re forced to join a Yonko crew with exception of Red Haired Shanks (Lol there are no easy picks), who are you swearing allegiance too? Assume you are an above average pirate, good enough to be valued but not commander level, think Bege or Apoo
Swearing to a meme which can go crazy every time if she got no sweets she wanted? No. couldn't let myself in and be a witness to such a childish unstable cap.

Swearing to a drunktard who despite wanting a glorious death he still ever has a suicided thought in his mind? And seeing weirdo smiles on a daily basis? No. Not at all

Blackbeard seems know how to make a great party, and has a clear purpose. It would be fun to hunt DF sometimes in a while or just make moved to gain something, not just sitting my ass on same island for years. I picked @Blackbeard Easily.
Tough one, shit choice no mattet what, Shanks would be the safest but with him exclused imma go with BBP then, gotta go with the worst of the bunch in that case.
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I’m going to the Big Mom Pirates. Her crew is already my favorite excluding Pop’s. Totta Land is cool. And there’s the possibility of Big Mom hooking me up with one of her fine daughters and I become part of the family
She wont be hooking fodders with her daughters, she wants more power :funky: