Is TACy a she or a he?

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Zoro has
  1. Enma
  2. Fire fox style
  3. Advanced CoC infused Asura
  4. Shimotsuki atavism
  5. (Black blade maybe)

it worked on Laws crew, Luffy can inject his voice LOUDLY into the mind of others, (subconsciously at the moment), remember how Zunisha basically disabled Luffy and Momo... that is the potential of this power.
I corrected you there. You don't deal any damage with basic CoC. It doesn't amplify anything. Plus Advanced CoC is needed to scar Kaido.
Unpopular opinion: Enma releases Coa and Coc that's why attacks are so powerful and also why Big Mom and Kaido was worried. Only way to cut them is using coc coated attack. Would also explain why Zoro gets tired easily after each attack using Enma similarly Luffy got exhausted by coating himself with advanced coc
it's unpopular because it's wrong bro there is no such thing as sword releasing CoC and CoA on it's own


Zoro Worshipper
I think Zoro might have mastered Enma at this stage. His arm has been looking perpetually normal and it appears like Enma is not having any tool on him and he is controlling his own amount of haki.

When he exuded "more haki than normally" his arm looked patently Big after being small as a consequence of Enma sucking it, so I doubt Enma has proven anything more than a training tool fundamentally, just like Oden's arm was normal before dying so no haki stored in Enma to be passed to Zoro either.
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Wait and see how the "voice of all things" tells Luffy the secret to break through physical realm and gain a transcendental body and Luffy said "oh yeah it sounds neat i'll try it" and become Luffy VOAT GOAD MOAD. Nowadays Oda seems like that kinda guy lol
I hope it's just a joke I think it is
If basically you become adult by shinobu power, you get lots of strenght without any training, maybe even haki, maybe even the skills of swordsmen who train their asses for many years and suddenly can face hybrid kaido like that, it doesn't make her power the most op ? She can just use it on luffy and 40's luffy will kick Kaido's ass lmao.

Hope oda not gonna give some bs PIS for momo!
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