[FNZ] Salem of Lies Round 3 : Town Of Salem

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Lead them to paradise.

so now lets continue!!

i was told my action failed, but im rb immune. meaning it didnt really fail right?? u follow me here??

which means i should of rb'ed don correct??

which means don should of got a message telling him his action failed?? are u following??

take a breather... here is the fun part

don's reaction tells me he never got any message saying his action failed? do u agree? he also claimed that he targeted none

guess which town roles he can be? because he is likely fken saying the truth and he should be protected

i dont need to talk more about this, you are being so anti town rn
The issue is Don told you he did nothing very early on and you still pushed him afterwards.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
But it’s the point you just straight up believe him like da fuq.

1. he could be any of the non town roles that don’t have an active ability or day 1 ability.

2. he could be a scum role that didn’t act

3. he could of just lied?

That’s my point. Like are you serious?
no he has to be a town or non town that did no action last night
but he straight up said his role targets none
u can track him the entire game and u wont see him

jeesus man can u stop pls
I came late and I bet my 4 posts of reads worth more than your "entire" DP posts.
What did you add that hadn't been already said in thread? Your two suspects were Al and Ratchet event though they kind of went at it, and your reasons amount to Al not doing anything and Ratchet voting Don. However, I think it's you who are being opportunistic on the Ratchet vote.
no he has to be a town or non town that did no action last night
but he straight up said his role targets none
u can track him the entire game and u wont see him

jeesus man can u stop pls
My point is how easily you are believing him. Idk why you are not getting this? Like you are arguing and getting upset like a child for no reason.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
My point is how easily you are believing him. Idk why you are not getting this? Like you are arguing and getting upset like a child for no reason.
im not entirely beliving him, thats y hes not 100% yet for me
but trackers can feel free to track him
if hes lying about having no actions then its easy we just lynch him if we see him in any tracker/watcher result

so yes i think hes saying the truth. he did no action last night.


No its leterally how you say it and I read it. You say you get a message which tells you 'YOUR' action failed. Which I read as in your action on Don failed. Thats how you say it

What you mean is you got a message which says you got roleblocked and the action ON YOU failed.

I think we misunderstand each other. Read ^

unvote for now
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