Is TACy a she or a he?

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Sasaki Kojirō

WB's title doesn't include Kaido :cheers:

Yes, this proves that KAIDO, by the rules of legitimacy, kaido rules above humans.
WSC KAIDO on land, sea and air, rules this world, rules above the white beard that is a mere human, kaido is on another level.

2 years ago he would dominate Whitebeard by force.:crazwhat:


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Old beard yes, not primebeard.
How big do u think the gap between Kaido and Primebeard/Prime Roger is? I think Primebeard/Prime Roger wins around high diff based off current information.

Wait is Black Maria an Oni too?
Wouldn't be surprised if there's a race called "Horned Human".

Ulti and PO also have horns too lol.
Well, I still think he isn't comparable to the admirals as well as today's Yonko overall. He does have comparable AP to them though, just like Zoro who surpasses Luffy in AP despite the latter being much stronger overall.

I've never assigned a set level for Yamato. I only ever said whatever she did before chapter 1025 can also be replicated by the top Yonko commanders. I always said she's stronger than Katakuri though.

Nothing is set in stone. Most people said Doffy is close to the top-tiers and G4 top-tier level at the time of Dressross. Most people were convinced Katakuri would beat the likes of Rayleigh during WCI. I opposed them both times; I wasn't sure if I was right but I do know I wasn't wrong. I am doing the same now; not to say I am going to be right. It's just that you shouldn't be so confident just because you have more support now.

Nope, never said she can't damage Kaido. I am also not saying her hurting Kaido doesn't mean much. You're spot on with the bolded part though, she can't be admiral level for hitting Kaido twice or thrice and doing nothing significant. She can't be admiral level for withstanding Kaido's no-named attacks either. She has crazy endurance for sure, but remember she needed a strong defense against an attack that Law no selled, with 0 defense, not so long ago.

Also, Yamato did not match Kaido's TB, they hit each other at the same time. That's not matching as their weapons mustn't have collided if their attacks hit their bodies. You are said to have matched your opponent when you clash equally with your opponent like this:

She can react and block Kaido's TB while her own lands
She's super great at reaction speed and CoO

Yeah Imagine thinking Kaido would group someone who's not above Admirals next to Great Pirates
Seriously? A dude whom WB hypes in order to hype Kaido?
Are you listening yourself?

Oden is stronger than anyone who isn't Yonko. Even then Shanks might not be stronger
Kaido and Oda > your opinion

Not my fault Admirals were finished in 2 moves by a dying Yonko
It feels strange when a character introduced 10 chapters before the final battle is more influential than all the Strawhats combined and is fighting the main antagonist with Luffy

The Strawhats don't even feel like main characters anymore, it's all about Luffy, the Samurai, the supernova, and the new friends he meet in every island. How can anyone like this?
Quit bitching, it has always been like that just in this case the Arc Princess actually does something.

Besides the battle is most likely far from over. After the commanders are defeated its still possible we get all The Strawhats vs Kaido.
Nah I disagreed with you there because it's not similar.

Again Franky's Shogun got destroyed showing the level of difficulty of their fight. Jimbei just straight demolished Who's Who. If it was similar Franky's Shogun wouldn't have been as damaged as it got.

Add to the fact Who's Who's portrayal > Sasaki's and you get the picture. Portrayal along the lines of Rob Lucci among the cp9, someone the cp0 need to take out, someone with rokoshiki techniques. Sasaki doesn't have any techniques comparable.
Franky damage was similar stop it. Yes Jenbei>Franky, but fighf was similar
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