Not if I can help
In the manga there is context for his condition. There is none in the VC.

Why does the VC need to inform you if ZORO was in bad or good condition?
The VC only needs to pass on the information that ZORO is giving his all, just as the manga demonstrated, the limit of his ability and the most he can do.
The VC doesn't need to keep passing information that X or Y is injured when performing any attack, it passes information on the attack and its power.
If you really want a context in VC explaining that LOLO was hurt... Call the publisher, and ask them to put a line stating that LOLO was hurt.
also ask ODA to review chapter 1010 or do ODA say on SBS that zoro was lying when he said that this was the limit of his ability and that asura is not all he has.
I'm not going to argue about it, because I see you're one of those who do a huge mental gymnastics.
Now go to the PM group you have, and call the entire ZOLU fandom so I can solo.
The excess EMOJI coming from you is to really cover up your irritation, to try to persuade you that you're handling the situation well.