Is TACy a she or a he?

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Zoro = Right Wing of Luffy?

This forum = Right Wing and Zoro biased apparently?

Therefore Zoro is right wing? Is he gonna start calling out "Sanji Justice Warriors"? Wait, "Justice Warriors"? Ironically that sounds like the Marines, the exact enemy/opposite of Germa, LMAO!

My head hurts now.

So who is the Alex Jones of this forum?

(I shouldn't encourage these political discussions but I had to try and satirise this)

MonsterZoro is the Alex Jones
no he's not it's a really long story, dirtylarry posted redon's full summary on twitter i think? And changed yamato's pronouns from male to female then creditted redon for it even though in his summary yamato is called with male pronouns.
Drama ensues, now that they're thinking of changing the way we see spoilers in the whole forum only for a few chosen ones.
Oh lmao just for that :suresure::suresure: @dirtyLarry RIP you will be missed :josad:
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The Honoured One
Funny how the people who call Yamato a she are getting called snowflakes. They aren't the ones who threatened to stop providing spoilers (which others would do regardless) over factually referring to Yamato as a she.
The fact that Larry got banned over it speaks volumes.
They then say it's an "agenda" when you stick to Oda's own words lmfao. Fucking retards.

For the people who love and use the word "freedom" a lot, but do not know their rights, limits and the meaning behind the word "freedom":

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 29:

"In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society."

So in a society someone should enforce law to protect the rights and freedom of others. This is not totalitarianism and I encourage you to visit a totalitarian country to see what it really is. @Redditworstgencancer

Everyone can call Yamato whatever they want but they have no right to limit Lance/Redon's freedom of expression. And yes, modifying his summary and claiming it is said by him limits his freedom of expression.

Is it that hard to understand this:


If I wrote „the cat is a black“.
And you write:
„The cat is white, source by Pantheos“.

This is an issue. If you use a source, use the info of this source. If you don’t have a source, you don’t have info, except you are the source.
Very typical of you to ignore the fucking point
Someone post what they felt like a corrected version of Redons leak, Redon got salty that he felt a fictional's character pronouns was no respected and he treatned us that if someone dares to correct hin again he wont give us no more candy.
Soo the point is, Redon has big fucking ego, and some other people including him care too much by how we adresss fictional characters.
i am part of this bec of a admin involved to shit and gave me a reason for fun.. i like chaos and nobody can stop me as long as i say truth and stay in rules.. they can just mumble about off topic .. nothing more.. i dont give a shit about redon or larry or thread
you make absolutely no sense
you say this stuff is illegal , wg shouldnt support it?
we hear ya
why are you here in a discussion partaking in the sharing and discussing "illegal material"

you are part of this because of the admins being involved ?
guess the admin
glued your hands to the keyboard
logged on to wg and hopped on the spoiler discussion page?

no own it
you are here because you want information about the chapter before it comes out
you are here on your own free will
to partake in the same thing you condemn
you have absolutely no moral high ground to call any provider a thief if you are right here leeching off what they provide. you say fuck redon and the next person who steps up , you will call them a thief too right ?

you are thief as well cause guess what , you are right here with us
stand by your word
dont want to be a hypocrite ?partaking in illegal scans ?
wait till official comes out and stop coming to the spoiler discussion like the other "thieves".
Nobody is arguing morals here. We all, including you, indulge in this activity. A known provider of over 10 years decided to socialize and interact with users here.

Redon asked to not be misquoted. Mods asked for the same thing. Certain users are not respecting that. That is it. WG owners and mods can do whatever they want.
idc how many years he spent.. Acting like a child and threatening people on not giving info anymore and an admin barking to people for his sake.. whats next ? will redon order to admins about who should be banned next ? moral is moral even if it hasnt been discussed till this time.. A fakeng thief ruling over people bec of they need him


Bald Spoiler Provider
For the people who love and use the word "freedom" a lot, but do not know their rights, limits and the meaning behind the word "freedom":

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 29:

"In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society."

So in a society someone should enforce law to protect the rights and freedom of others. This is not totalitarianism and I encourage you to visit a totalitarian country to see what it really is. @Redditworstgencancer

Everyone can call Yamato whatever they want but they have no right to limit Lance/Redon's freedom of expression. And yes, modifying his summary and claiming it is said by him limits his freedom of expression.

Is it that hard to understand this:
But Oda is the one who write one piece and claimed yamatoe as female
For the people who love and use the word "freedom" a lot, but do not know their rights, limits and the meaning behind the word "freedom":

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 29:

"In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society."

So in a society someone should enforce law to protect the rights and freedom of others. This is not totalitarianism and I encourage you to visit a totalitarian country to see what it really is. @Redditworstgencancer

Everyone can call Yamato whatever they want but they have no right to limit Lance/Redon's freedom of expression. And yes, modifying his summary and claiming it is said by him limits his freedom of expression.

Is it that hard to understand this:
It's like people that screech cancel culture or infringement on their free speech if their company fires them for saying something racist or misogynist lol

Freedom of Speech does not equal freedom from consequences lol


The Rogue Prince
Redon asked to not be misquoted. Mods asked for the same thing. Certain users are not respecting that
Today its about pronouns. Tomorrow, whats to say some rabid SvsZ agenda pusher won't misquote something more severe, which will only ruin Redon's credibility?

Redon asking to not be misquoted is absolutely justified but people here still make it about gender smh
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