Awesome final spread anchored by Ace/Sabo up front, Shanks and Blackbeard in the corners. Not as much of a theme in this one and more pairing the leftover characters, but it is funny that the Marines and WG agents go in the Shanks corner.
When you mistake Type O as Oni blood. A bit of confusion here whether Kaido and Yamato are literal or figurative onis. Kaido mocks Yamato's dead friends and personally crucified one that tried to feed her just like the samurai. Daddy's cruel lesson is that humans are only good as slaves or subordinates, not as friends, equals or figures to admire like Oden. This fault line between humans and oni may simply be a manifestation of Kaido's competitive strength-based hierarchy, but I could see it as deep underlying trust issues based on his own past experiences.
The Ice Oni of Queen's wildest dreams. Yamato was tied to sun goddess Amaterasu last chapter -- helping bring the daylight/Dawn to Wano once she removed the cuffs and emerged from her cave, even so I'm glad this wolf/dog was given frost powers to show unique abilities like a thin ice armor than can eat a Bagua. A brutal 1v1 against hybrid Kaido since chapter 1016 is nothing short of amazing. I never thought I'd see anyone no sell a savage Yonko trashing on the floor until Yamato got up and waved at Luffy.

Is that me? But I'm me.

Are real son?
*activating Father Mode*

Half a chapter so Luffy can make one of his best entrances. Totally worth it. Luffy riding a dragon with its eyes shut that never flew before, smashing into everything and shocking everyone, was a simultaneously comical yet badass sequence. Great for Momo announcing himself too. CP0 didn't get to see his failed fruit, but King's super excited "..!" made up for it. Marco not hitching a ride to the roof goes with his insistence that he doesn't belong up there. It also suggests the role of the Momotaro pheasant, Momo's third and final assistant, may turn out to be Oden's other child and peacock-lady Hiyori.
First 4th chapter in a row since 2019 and a good place to end Volume 101. Yamato using White Snake and Snakeman using Culverin (Grass Snake) while riding on dragon snake Momo is as Oda as it gets. Interested to see what Momo's contribution will be and if Luffy goes back into G4 or preserves stamina with Yamato here.