General & Others The problem with strawhats and how Oda's obsession with Luffy is ruining the cast

Some people really forced themselves to read a story for a side character..... and complained about the MC....while the story itself are for the sake of the MC... its like u hated urself because u are the MC in ur life, while there are other people who can do better in life...
All the Straw Hats dreams are linked as they share this Journey together. Luffy brought them together in his quest to become Pirate King, and in that quest, they will all achieve their dreams.

The reason why the Straw Hats glorify Luffy's dream is because they know the closer he gets to achieving his dream, the closer they get to achieving theirs.

This was established in the very beginning of the story with Zoro placing his dream in Luffy's hands by saying if Luffy does anything to compromise his dream, he has to commit seppuku. This was essentially Zoro saying, by following you, I'm am trusting I am following the right person on the path to achieve my dream.

This is not Oda "overdoing it", but rather sticking to a formula he established at the beginning of the series. It would just be weird and make the Straw Hats feel disconnected as a crew if they all run around proclaiming their individual dreams all the time when the fact remains that all their dreams are all linked to a common goal.
Have you noticed how every character loses their personality when they become friends with luffy?? They stop talking about their own dreams.. I don't even remember when was the last time zoro or nami or robin talked about their own motivation. Oda has time to show luffy shouting he is gonna be pirate king every 10 chapters, but doesn't have time showing nami or robin doing their own things in 1 or 2 panel. Now all of them just keep shouting about luffy like mindless zombies. I mean believing in your bro is cool but now its too much.

Kid had grudge against luffy and kaido?? Doesn't matter now he acts like a tsundere girl for luffy and abandoned his revenge. Same for law.... Zoro probably forgot that he wants to be wss since he doesn't even talk about it. What is ussop even doing??!!

The main character having more focus is understandable but when the writer bends the story just for mc, it becomes annoying. It doesn't feel organic. The strawhats doesn't even seem like real people with their own personality now. This problem started after time skip but its got out of hand since wci
When has kid ever acted like a tsundere for luffy? He also has never stated he’s left his revenge for kaido unlike other characters like the scabbards.
I feel like when One Piece popularity peaked after SA during Luffy's solo adventure Oda figured the story only needs to focus on Luffy to work. The SHs have been degraded to a bunch of supporting characters among many others. Though at this point there are too many SHs and the scope of the arcs is too big to give them all a main role, One Piece is collapsing under its own weight.
Those arcs lead to One Piece's popularity peak due to many top tiers appearing one after another, which is very hype.
Luffy alone wasn't enough, not even close
Oda has lost interest with story telling, he will just go on with plot with nedh story telling. We won't be getting anything like jaya or skypeia where everyone's skills were utilized... i.e. no adventure would happen. I mean think about sanji and all blue, one of the important mystery but 0 interest shown in manga. I bet EOS sanji will go, oh this is all blue, I found. Same for other guys skills too they sre not being used for important plots anymore.
Rather than obsession imo its more of a lack of storytelling ability and lack of ability to diverse focus of character's spotlite due to exhaustion etc.

yep agreed!!! luffy already say he want to be pirate king no need to repeat that again n again oda:seriously:
he now looks like yamato" i am oden" version 2.0
Because Oda is afraid that luffy will lose his fame in the eyes of fans
He forces Luffy on our faces by making rivals or other characters look bad or not get hype while luffy steal the spotlight always.

How can kidd just throw his his grudge and plot against kaido for bm without even losing and giving his all on the roof against kaido?
Why make Law be a damsel and lose to base doffy just to make luffy look better?

Strawhats aren't even a real crew , it's a bunch of youngersters who happen to sail with luffy the promised kid


Zoro Worshipper
Because Oda is afraid that luffy will lose his fame in the eyes of fans
He forces Luffy on our faces by making rivals or other characters look bad or not get hype while luffy steal the spotlight always.

How can kidd just throw his his grudge and plot against kaido for bm without even losing and giving his all on the roof against kaido?
Why make Law be a damsel and lose to base doffy just to make luffy look better?

Strawhats aren't even a real crew , it's a bunch of youngersters who happen to sail with luffy the promised kid
He isn't so afraid of that this time perhaps considering Zoro did already steal the spotlight and now we have to witness the continue of this event.