[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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No dude... that's a bike...!!
U still had power to superkill ppl and have additional kill, PR stuff etc lol

Also what was with the PR u gave me for D9? LOL I came online a bit late when day started and only saw the PR I got, no idea what happened yet (still gotta read D9), just voted and made my 2 PR posts rofl
compared to the rest of mafia my role was the weakest lol
the PR is super nerfed by flower, ive already talked about it enough in the scum chat kek


The End and the Beginning
Post Restrictions generally never let you interact with votes etc. You can typically only manipulate the "content" of the post, rather than the mechanical side. However, I have seen certain roles, such as a Necromancer, that can revive the dead and control their post and vote. But the vote control would have to be explicitly mentioned.

In hindsight, your Post Restriction on Emilia Day 5 essentially outed you. You got away with it, but that was extremely risky. Surprised you didn't play it safer there, @Ekkologix

Also surpised you didn't pull the most obvious post restriction: all your posts must be greater than 200 words. Probably would have gotten some kills off of that one, and you could have used it to push the idea that a Serial was in the game that needed to get a certain amount of kills through the use of their ability to win. Well, I guess it'd be closer to a "Savage" wincon than a "Serial" one. Former isn't game-ending.


There's no "Tina!"
Yes, it's that time for my end game thoughts and reviews of all you incredible players.
I'm writing this down from memory, so apologies if I missed anything or got anything wrong. Firstly, I must congratulate all the players in the game. Every single one of you tried so hard and were phenomenal in your own ways. Yes, I won't beat around the bush, when you look at the setup, scum are extremely powerful. Ideally, if town had played anything less than incredible, the game would have ended on the 5th cycle. But, wow, 10 cycles! Can you believe that? Even at the end, it was down to the wire.

Of course, I want to start by mentioning my own mistake this game. Essentially, when @T-Pein™ investigated @Rej he was supposed to get No Result as Rej was immune to the abilities of the Knights of Favonius and T-Pein was Albedo. Instead, I mistakenly gave him the result [Guilty] which made him push Rej. Only @QueenEmilia was supposed to get anything on Rej. So I am extremely sorry for that. I don't know how much it would have changed that day phase, but it is what it is now. I'm once again very sorry about it.

Hopefully this doesn't cloud your judgement of @Flower or @AL sama . Flower is an approved host for a reason, and she has hosted many games on this site and in previous years. If you've enjoyed anything in this game, then please send her your regards since she was responsible for it. AL is a wonderful coach, who helped me when I had doubts, as well as a great host. Play his bastard games for more insight haha. As for myself, I can only promise you that this won't happen again and hope that you believe me.

Coming to each player, I'll put them in this spoiler here:
P.S Man, writing these reviews took FOREVER!! I'm not doing this again. If you want to read then, read only yours. It's too long otherwise.
@Fruitji got 3 of the mafia completely on day 1. Unfortunately, he was tunneled, forced to claim, and converted at the end of it, but his gameplay, activity, and even his frustration were great. It's hard to not lash out, when players just refuse to believe you, which I can understand myself. You played well even when you were cult. You were busy cause you were traveling and ultimately subbed out, but nonetheless, you did great.
@Natalija you had a wonderful game. You victory is proof of that. You pushed scum from day 1 with LM and UwU. Fuji was a miss, but you did great in coming back from that as well. Even after becoming Andrius, you got all the scum later on, and you played perfectly to your wincon. A perfect game, if I do say so.
@TheAncientCenturion we are sorry for your PR lol, but you were another phenomenal player. You got the entire mafia team on day 3-4 and pushed that angle. You were even right with Dyna/Fuji being cult. It was unfortunate what happened to you, but know that you did all you could and it was definitely worth it.
@Dragomir another praise worthy performance. I'm glad you ended up with the town protagonist role. You took the lead, you led the players when you could, and you were absolutely decisive when it came to mafia and cult. You were the reason 2 of them were put down. So great game.
@Wris and @~UwU~ you were both extremely unfortunate, but I absolutely loved your play regardless. UwU, you really couldn't do much with mafia pushing you EoD and that just boils down to bad luck. I'm sure you could have done some serious damage if you survived longer. Tris, my girl, you were just down right unlucky. Your role was one of the strongest in the game, and could have been a big game changer. I still hope you had fun for the time you were in. You and UwU could have tilted this game in the later stages, but alas. I loved both of your gameplays, though.
@Zemmi Gosh, you were another lead performer in this game. Your reads were right, your thread play was powerful, and you supported your mason partner without giving it away. I'm sorry for the weak role you received and I can only hope that you don't take it too hard. I loved seeing you play, and am eager to do it again, this time, as a player with you.
@Melontonin and @Rhea I'm extremely sorry for subbing you both into such tough situations. In fact, please let me thank you for subbing into the game in the first place. We needed you so badly, and you came for us. I'm very grateful for that. In regards to the game, you guys did your best! You may think you didn't, but you both certainly tried and the rest was bad luck. Rhea, next time, I will not let you get lynched when you sub in!
@Nick Man, seeing you play was awesome!! After years, and you've still got the skills to pay the bills. You were spot on in every single logic, read and deduction you made. My only caveat with your play was you not trying to lead. But I understand that it's hard when players are unwilling to listen. The very fact that you were attacked by 3 mafia shows how dangerous you were. Great game bro!
@Destroya Your start was basically tunneling Conq, which I think you spent too much time on. You got Juliet day 1 and imo should hae pushed Cal and LM more when you were suspicious of them. However, you were one of the pivots of town this game. Lasting as long as you did, and giving a great performance for that long is insane. So great job overall and tough luck on the outcome.
@T-Pein™ You had a good game too. But your blunder may have been in the final stages of the game where your post may have been misinterpreted or you lying about your results on prof. It was unlucky, and you got lynched in your sleep, which is just down right unfortunate. But I enjoyed some of your actions and posts.
@Underworld Broker Girl! Your town play is just legit scary. You subbed in and just started pushing scum like you already knew who it was. You were one of the scaffolds for town and held it together. It was sad seeing you get culted cause town lost an incredible player, but that's how scum deals with dangerous townies.
@ConquistadoR Second game, and first victory in mafia and as scum no less! How does it feel, boy?! You were incredible too! You caught Cal, the GF, on day one because of his suspicious late vote on UwU and his interaction with LM which led you to think that they were scummates. You were absolutely correct. You made a mistake town reading Ekko on day 1. I understand that he was one of the few supporting you when you needed it, but his reason for reading you was just tmi. It was a weak reason to town read a player and that's where scum get caught. They can't properly justify a belief they already know to be true since they know who town and scum are. So never fall for players trying to buddy you. Especially when the reason for it is very weak.
@Dr_Professor83 another game, another incredible performance. I thought that you, just like the rest of town, had a bad start. But boy, you proved me wrong! You were absolutely incredible. You retained all the information in the thread, pushed LM, Rej and Ekko based on that fact. Even Cal. You never let anything escape you which was important. My advice to you will be similar to Conq's, but more on the paranoia. Paranoia is never good when it's based on possibilities or tinfoils. Remember that scum have to make up reasoning to get a player lynched, so they are prone to tinfoil more and deviate you from the evidence in the thread. Don't fall for it, and definitely don't engage in it more than a healthy amount. Other than that, you were great.
@Aether you were a great player. You subbed in when we needed you, so thanks for that! Your night actions were spot on, and your read of LM and Cal/Ali was great as well. My only complaint would be when you targeted TAC and you LM, TAC's and Nick's name. The only way that could have happened is with a bus drive. So TAC was role crushed meaning that LM bus drove with TAC and killed Nick. Your other poison trolling, was kinda a mistake, but you already know this, so won't expand more. Overall, great game!
@Hayumi CHILLI!! You were one of my favorite players in the game and your night action of killing the GF was very very important to the game! You were spot on with your read of Ekko, LM, UwU and Cal! Almost all the fucking scum in the game! You had an awesome game, and I was sad to see you go soon. Brilliant game overall!
@MistyCatGoddess Got tunneled as town for 5 cycles, became scum, and won the game. You were another important figure for town with your reads and pushes. Most of them were correct and your Andrius play was phenomenal. Your victory is proof of your incredible work. Great job!
@Tobi I wish you had been able to play more! Fun fact, you only protected townies with your night actions! You were great source of flavor knowledge and you were amazing at night actions too. You made up for your weak thread presence that way, so great job overall!
@Grammaton - Honestly, the very fact that you were killed early shows that you were a great threat to scum. Your thread play is a delight as always and you were incredible. Your victory is definitely deserved and your presence, reads and input day 1, were surreal. Amazing performance.
@DynaMight Thank you for subbing in for us firstly! Also, you played amazing too. You kept yourself hidden, and you dealt with the suspicion that Fuji already had very well. Your cult targets were on point and your end game play was great. You kept your votes until the last, and did not jump needlessly onto wagons and give yourself away. So overall, awesome job!
@Night Raid I saw you say that you didn't do anything. That is not at all true! You were amazing, and I praised you more than once to my co-host and players. As a new player you night actions were unbelievably amazing! Your thread play and reads were also great! I hope you will join us again sometime in the future. Good Luck with whatever you're going through.
@Xlaw Firstly, thank you for subbing in for us! You were a great player and unluckily subbed into an already suspicious spot in Juliet. But you handled it well, and I know that the wiki confused you, but you played very well tbh. You also planned it previously to give your power to Fuji and because of that, you won!
@Ratchet I won't say anymore than what I already said in the dead chat, you were amazing and did your best. Seeing you active again after years, in my game of all games, was a sight to behold. Absolutely incredible game and you were right about the culting mecahnic, the powers of the cult and the fact that there was another mafia member. So you truly played well! Also, thank you for subbing in when we needed you.
@QueenEmilia Where do I start? Hmm. Let's start with, GET MORE ACTIVE since you are toooo good at this to be inacitve lmao. Your reads as soon as you got active were all perfect. Your night actions were all perfect (except for poisoning ratchet) but that couldn't be helped. You played brilliantly and your reads and actions were spot on. Amazing game, cause there's no other way to phrase it! You also lasted so long, played so well, and were one of the pivots of town! Awesome performance girl!!

@Ekkologix @Rej @Lord Melkor @ALI! You guys were absolutely incredible. Special mention to Ekko, for taking the initiative, taking the lead, planning the night actions and maintaining thread presence and control to some degree. You were unfortunate in your night actions in the last few cycles, but you were definitely the scaffold that held mafia together. Rej, apart from my apology, I want to say that you were amazing too. It's too bad you and LM were busy irl. But I believe both of you did as well as you could. LM survived so long despite being called out and questioned. You definitely fought hard. Both of you were great. ALI! Thank you for subbing in, firstly. You again came in and helped mafia out. You helped in the planning, and brain storming with Ekko. It was bad luck that your slot was suspicious by the time you subbed in. You did your best to fight it off, and you did it really well!

So final game thoughts. I was ranting to Flower and Light about how each player was playing sometimes lol. I wanted Town to win, then I wanted Andrius, Xiao, Cult, Mafia... I couldn't make up my mind.

This game had such funny posts too. I remember many, but a few would be @Dragomir saying "Why do other players have so many abilities, when I, the protagonist, am a mere role blocker" Lmaoo! He used that logic to scum read Rej, LM and ALI/Cal, which were right reads, but that made me laugh. @Ekkologix thought of fake claiming Andrius, when Andrius was in the game lmfaoooo!! That would have been soo funny, and Nat was post restricted that same phase. It would have been hella funny seeing that shit play out.

Also, big shoutout to all the players that lasted soo long into the game - Dest, Prof, Aether, Emilia, Misty, Ekko, TAC, UB, and Conq. These guys played from day 1, and it isn't easy playing as long as they did. Great performance regardless of the result.

Anyway, I don't think I have anything else left to say. This post became too long already, and I don't want to drag it out anymore. So one last time:

Thank you all for playing this game! It meant a lot and I hope you enjoyed it as much as Flower and I did hosting it!
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Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
Yes, it's that time for my end game thoughts and reviews of all you incredible players.
I'm writing this down from memory, so apologies if I missed anything or got anything wrong. Firstly, I must congratulate all the players in the game. Every single one of you tried so hard and were phenomenal in your own ways. Yes, I won't beat around the bush, when you look at the setup, scum are extremely powerful. Ideally, if town had played anything less than incredible, the game would have ended on the 5th cycle. But, wow, 10 cycles! Can you believe that? Even at the end, it was down to the wire.

Of course, I want to start by mentioning my own mistake this game. Essentially, when @T-Pein™ investigated @Rej he was supposed to get No Result as Rej was immune to the abilities of the Knights of Favonius and T-Pein was Albedo. Instead, I mistakenly gave him the result [Guilty] which made him push Rej. Only @QueenEmilia was supposed to get anything on Rej. So I am extremely sorry for that. I don't know how much it would have changed that day phase, but it is what it is now. I'm once again very sorry about it.

Hopefully this doesn't cloud your judgement of @Flower or @AL sama . Flower is an approved host for a reason, and she has hosted many games on this site and in previous years. If you've enjoyed anything in this game, then please send her your regards since she was responsible for it. AL is a wonderful coach, who helped me when I had doubts, as well as a great host. Play his bastard games for more insight haha. As for myself, I can only promise you that this won't happen again and hope that you believe me.

Coming to each player, I'll put them in this spoiler here:
P.S Man, writing these reviews took FOREVER!! I'm not doing this again. If you want to read then, read only yours. It's too long otherwise.
@Fruitji got 3 of the mafia completely on day 1. Unfortunately, he was tunneled, forced to claim, and converted at the end of it, but his gameplay, activity, and even his frustration were great. It's hard to not lash out, when players just refuse to believe you, which I can understand myself. You played well even when you were cult. You were busy cause you were traveling and ultimately subbed out, but nonetheless, you did great.
@Natalija you had a wonderful game. You victory is proof of that. You pushed scum from day 1 with LM and UwU. Fuji was a miss, but you did great in coming back from that as well. Even after becoming Andrius, you got all the scum later on, and you played perfectly to your wincon. A perfect game, if I do say so.
@TheAncientCenturion we are sorry for your PR lol, but you were another phenomenal player. You got the entire mafia team on day 3-4 and pushed that angle. You were even right with Dyna/Fuji being cult. It was unfortunate what happened to you, but know that you did all you could and it was definitely worth it.
@Dragomir another praise worthy performance. I'm glad you ended up with the town protagonist role. You took the lead, you led the players when you could, and you were absolutely decisive when it came to mafia and cult. You were the reason 2 of them were put down. So great game.
@Wris and @~UwU~ you were both extremely unfortunate, but I absolutely loved your play regardless. UwU, you really couldn't do much with mafia pushing you EoD and that just boils down to bad luck. I'm sure you could have done some serious damage if you survived longer. Tris, my girl, you were just down right unlucky. Your role was one of the strongest in the game, and could have been a big game changer. I still hope you had fun for the time you were in. You and UwU could have tilted this game in the later stages, but alas. I loved both of your gameplays, though.
@Zemmi Gosh, you were another lead performer in this game. Your reads were right, your thread play was powerful, and you supported your mason partner without giving it away. I'm sorry for the weak role you received and I can only hope that you don't take it too hard. I loved seeing you play, and am eager to do it again, this time, as a player with you.
@Melontonin and @Rhea I'm extremely sorry for subbing you both into such tough situations. In fact, please let me thank you for subbing into the game in the first place. We needed you so badly, and you came for us. I'm very grateful for that. In regards to the game, you guys did your best! You may think you didn't, but you both certainly tried and the rest was bad luck. Rhea, next time, I will not let you get lynched when you sub in!
@Nick Man, seeing you play was awesome!! After years, and you've still got the skills to pay the bills. You were spot on in every single logic, read and deduction you made. My only caveat with your play was you not trying to lead. But I understand that it's hard when players are unwilling to listen. The very fact that you were attacked by 3 mafia shows how dangerous you were. Great game bro!
@Destroya Your start was basically tunneling Conq, which I think you spent too much time on. You got Juliet day 1 and imo should hae pushed Cal and LM more when you were suspicious of them. However, you were one of the pivots of town this game. Lasting as long as you did, and giving a great performance for that long is insane. So great job overall and tough luck on the outcome.
@T-Pein™ You had a good game too. But your blunder may have been in the final stages of the game where your post may have been misinterpreted or you lying about your results on prof. It was unlucky, and you got lynched in your sleep, which is just down right unfortunate. But I enjoyed some of your actions and posts.
@Underworld Broker Girl! Your town play is just legit scary. You subbed in and just started pushing scum like you already knew who it was. You were one of the scaffolds for town and held it together. It was sad seeing you get culted cause town lost an incredible player, but that's how scum deals with dangerous townies.
@ConquistadoR Second game, and first victory in mafia and as scum no less! How does it feel, boy?! You were incredible too! You caught Cal, the GF, on day one because of his suspicious late vote on UwU and his interaction with LM which led you to think that they were scummates. You were absolutely correct. You made a mistake town reading Ekko on day 1. I understand that he was one of the few supporting you when you needed it, but his reason for reading you was just tmi. It was a weak reason to town read a player and that's where scum get caught. They can't properly justify a belief they already know to be true since they know who town and scum are. So never fall for players trying to buddy you. Especially when the reason for it is very weak.
@Dr_Professor83 another game, another incredible performance. I thought that you, just like the rest of town, had a bad start. But boy, you proved me wrong! You were absolutely incredible. You retained all the information in the thread, pushed LM, Rej and Ekko based on that fact. Even Cal. You never let anything escape you which was important. My advice to you will be similar to Conq's, but more on the paranoia. Paranoia is never good when it's based on possibilities or tinfoils. Remember that scum have to make up reasoning to get a player lynched, so they are prone to tinfoil more and deviate you from the evidence in the thread. Don't fall for it, and definitely don't engage in it more than a healthy amount. Other than that, you were great.
@Aether you were a great player. You subbed in when we needed you, so thanks for that! Your night actions were spot on, and your read of LM and Cal/Ali was great as well. My only complaint would be when you targeted TAC and you LM, TAC's and Nick's name. The only way that could have happened is with a bus drive. So TAC was role crushed meaning that LM bus drove with TAC and killed Nick. Your other poison trolling, was kinda a mistake, but you already know this, so won't expand more. Overall, great game!
@Hayumi CHILLI!! You were one of my favorite players in the game and your night action of killing the GF was very very important to the game! You were spot on with your read of Ekko, LM, UwU and Cal! Almost all the fucking scum in the game! You had an awesome game, and I was sad to see you go soon. Brilliant game overall!
@MistyCatGoddess Got tunneled as town for 5 cycles, became scum, and won the game. You were another important figure for town with your reads and pushes. Most of them were correct and your Andrius play was phenomenal. Your victory is proof of your incredible work. Great job!
@Tobi I wish you had been able to play more! Fun fact, you only protected townies with your night actions! You were great source of flavor knowledge and you were amazing at night actions too. You made up for your weak thread presence that way, so great job overall!
@Grammaton - Honestly, the very fact that you were killed early shows that you were a great threat to scum. Your thread play is a delight as always and you were incredible. Your victory is definitely deserved and your presence, reads and input day 1, were surreal. Amazing performance.
@DynaMight Thank you for subbing in for us firstly! Also, you played amazing too. You kept yourself hidden, and you dealt with the suspicion that Fuji already had very well. Your cult targets were on point and your end game play was great. You kept your votes until the last, and did not jump needlessly onto wagons and give yourself away. So overall, awesome job!
@Night Raid I saw you say that you didn't do anything. That is not at all true! You were amazing, and I praised you more than once to my co-host and players. As a new player you night actions were unbelievably amazing! Your thread play and reads were also great! I hope you will join us again sometime in the future. Good Luck with whatever you're going through.
@Xlaw Firstly, thank you for subbing in for us! You were a great player and unluckily subbed into an already suspicious spot in Juliet. But you handled it well, and I know that the wiki confused you, but you played very well tbh. You also planned it previously to give your power to Fuji and because of that, you won!
@Ratchet I won't say anymore than what I already said in the dead chat, you were amazing and did your best. Seeing you active again after years, in my game of all games, was a sight to behold. Absolutely incredible game and you were right about the culting mecahnic, the powers of the cult and the fact that there was another mafia member. So you truly played well! Also, thank you for subbing in when we needed you.
@QueenEmilia Where do I start? Hmm. Let's start with, GET MORE ACTIVE since you are toooo good at this to be inacitve lmao. Your reads as soon as you got active were all perfect. Your night actions were all perfect (except for poisoning ratchet) but that couldn't be helped. You played brilliantly and your reads and actions were spot on. Amazing game, cause there's no other way to phrase it! You also lasted so long, played so well, and were one of the pivots of town! Awesome performance girl!!

@Ekkologix @Rej @Lord Melkor @ALI! You guys were absolutely incredible. Special mention to Ekko, for taking the initiative, taking the lead, planning the night actions and maintaining thread presence and control to some degree. You were unfortunate in your night actions in the last few cycles, but you were definitely the scaffold that held mafia together. Rej, apart from my apology, I want to say that you were amazing too. It's too bad you and LM were busy irl. But I believe both of you did as well as you could. LM survived so long despite being called out and questioned. You definitely fought hard. Both of you were great. ALI! Thank you for subbing in, firstly. You again came in and helped mafia out. You helped in the planning, and brain storming with Ekko. It was bad luck that your slot was suspicious by the time you subbed in. You did your best to fight it off, and you did it really well!

So final game thoughts. I was ranting to Flower about how each player was playing sometimes lol. I wanted Town to win, then I wanted Andrius, Xiao, Cult, Mafia... I couldn't make up my mind.

This game had such funny posts too. I remember many, but a few would be @Dragomir saying "Why do other players have so many abilities, when I, the protagonist, am a mere role blocker" Lmaoo! He used that logic to scum read Rej, LM and ALI/Cal, which were right reads, but that made me laugh. @Ekkologix thought of fake claiming Andrius, when Andrius was in the game lmfaoooo!! That would have been soo funny, and Nat was post restricted that same phase. It would have been hella funny seeing that shit play out.

Also, big shoutout to all the players that lasted soo long into the game - Dest, Prof, Aether, Emilia, Misty, Ekko, TAC, UB, and Conq. These guys played from day 1, and it isn't easy playing as long as they did. Great performance regardless of the result.

Anyway, I don't think I have anything else left to say. This post became too long already, and I don't want to drag it out anymore. So one last time:

Thank you all for playing this game! It meant a lot and I hope you enjoyed it as much as Flower and I did hosting it!
Smh Lind, imagine forgetting me. I am taking this to heart now.
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