Character Discussion Would Zoro fans drop One Piece if Momo scars Kaido with Oden's Haki Sword?

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Don't have to be a Zoro to drop OP if something that stupid happened

This like how some clowns ran away with the initial mistranslation about how Kaido has not been this excited facing an opponent (Luffy) since Oden. Forgetting that he fought Big Mom and Shanks, who btw could not scar Kaido either. Make a bait thread for their fandom too :cheers:
Adult momo: No haki, No sword Skills, No strenght didnt train, No spirit

And he stronger than luffy and can kill Kaido? @Vongola Primo

Only a Reatarded pathetic clown would be think Adult momo can kill kaido

Oh wait..:nicagesmile::cantseeme::kaidowhat::lulz:
Imagine believing ZKK but not MKK.

Both are 0 iq theories.

Don't worry Momo will only scar Kaido with Oden's Haki Sword like Zoro did.

I hope you don't drop one piece after it happens.
Momo wouldn’t… he isn’t suddenly becoming high tier with high high tier lvl of AP and it’s not like Ame no habakiri is a haki power up releasing Momo’s haki like Enma is at least as far as we know.
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Zoro and Oden already achieved that so don't need to drop. But think about others yonkou fanbase, luffy fanbase, kidd and law fanbase and recently yamato fanbase. They will be mad af :milaugh:
Luffy, Law, Kid and Yamato’s fanbase shouldn’t really be affected by that. They are not like Zoro they aren’t that type of lethal blade fighters.