even though this is a trash tier bait thread, let me give some reasoning.
enma is a sword which brings out the user's haki more than what they intend to.
there has been ZERO information in the manga that enma uses oden's haki.
yes, kaido remembered oden's haki when he saw the sword. he also remembered oden's haki when he saw the scabbards. so the point is entirely nonsense.
firstly we have no knowledge about ame no habakiri and whether it has any special properties like enma.
secondly, as we see when sanji uses CoO in nami's body in punk hazard, haki is a property of a user's spirit/will. the body has no bearing on it.
momonosuke growing up is essentially him recieving an adult's body with the mind of a child as shinobu explained.
so he still wont be able to use basic CoO/CoA since he hasnt trained his spirit in it, let alone cut kaido.